
Has Human Security Disappeared from the International Agenda?

Conor Heffernan • Jan 17 2014 • Essays

While human security seems to have disappeared from the international agenda, organizations in the name of human security, as well as the recent resurgence of interest, show otherwise.

What Light can Constructivism Shed on the EU?

Matthew Richmond • Jan 17 2014 • Essays

Constructivism plays a vital role in EU governance, while rational choice is an ineffective research tool that can be absorbed by the broader diagnostic approach offered by constructivism.

Evaluating Religious or Linguistic Conflict Through the State

Emily Tripp • Jan 17 2014 • Essays

Structural forces within a state and the extent to which powerful elites make the boundaries of ethnic difference salient will determine whether the state will experience conflict.

What Were the Causes and Consequences of the 1948 Arab-Israeli War?

Selina Kaur Rai • Jan 15 2014 • Essays

Even though the 1948 Arab-Israeli War resulted in Israel’s victory, it had significant consequences on the regional politics of the region, which are still visible today.

Public International Law – A Liberalist View

Arshad Salmaan Ali • Jan 13 2014 • Essays

The focus of international law has traditionally been inter-state relations. But this classic conception fails to adequately deal with contemporary circumstances.

Hope and Habermas

Ashalyn Hardy • Jan 13 2014 • Essays

Habermas’ theory of communicative action is fundamentally subjective and therefore weak as a critical social theory, but provides the international community with hope for prospective change.

The Legitimation of the State: Constitutionalism and Recognition

Finian Cullity • Jan 12 2014 • Essays

The sovereign nation-state has been the central subject of inquiry in academic IR since its inception, but the historical evolution of the concept of the state has been, until recently, neglected.

The Neo-Neo Debate in International Relations Theory

Tim Pfefferle • Jan 9 2014 • Essays

By engaging in closed-off discussion, Neorealists and Neoliberals perpetuate orthodoxy rather than making gains in IR scholarship. The limitations of this debate should be acknowledged.

Accountability vs Stability? Assessing the ICC’s Intervention In Kenya

Maurice Dunaiski • Jan 9 2014 • Essays

The ICC’s involvement in Kenya suggests that accountability efforts are compatible with reconciliation and stabilization efforts in the wake of massive human rights abuses.

Modern Militaries and a Network Centric Warfare Approach

Jonjo Robb • Jan 9 2014 • Essays

To enhance a military’s war-fighting capability and to increase the likelihood of success in operations, a network-centric approach to military operations is paramount.

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