
Special Features of the International Regulation of Space

Elena Sidorova • Sep 27 2013 • Essays

Because space attracts various states, NGOs, and private enterprises from the international system, its legal status needs to be clearly defined to make space activities more accurate and efficient for all.

Establishing Accountability for IGOs and States

Andrea Raquel Hak • Sep 21 2013 • Essays

By recognizing non-state actors as rights holders and duty bearers, the challenge of establishing accountability for international organizations and unrecognized states can be met.

Zionism and Arab Nationalism

anon • Sep 20 2013 • Essays

Understanding the evolution of Jewish and Arab consciousness, in its emergence through a socio-political nationalism, allows for a more profound understanding of the status quo.

Was Marx a Positivist?

Josie Park • Sep 20 2013 • Essays

While Marx shares many methodological beliefs with positivism, there are also important conflicts. To label Marx a positivist would therefore ignore or undermine aspects crucial to his thought.

Patterns of Migration in Central and Eastern Europe

Sashenka Lleshaj • Sep 18 2013 • Essays

Immigration into Central and Eastern Europe has become mainly economically motivated, while migration out of this region is for reasons more economically, culturally and socially diverse.

Bitcoin vs. Dollar Hegemony

James Buchanan • Sep 16 2013 • Essays

The dollar is seeing its hegemony exhausted and its world reserve status threatened. The concept of virtual currencies is becoming increasingly appealing, particularly the Bitcoin.

The International Community and the Prevention of Genocide

Ashleigh Croucher • Sep 14 2013 • Essays

Whilst advancements have been made in the prevention of genocide, they fail to protect vulnerable populations due to a lack of political will.

European Efforts to Protect Maritime Commerce in the Indian Ocean, 2007-2012

Rafal Nedzarek • Sep 11 2013 • Essays

The EU and the governments of some of its member states share a growing concern about the emerging threats to maritime commerce passing through the Indian Ocean.

Elites and Democracy in China

Matthew Saayman • Sep 6 2013 • Essays

Though it has been argued that China will democratize in the near future, only time will tell whether the elites will perceive the benefits of democracy as outweighing the costs.

The Politics of Surveillance in a Risk Society

Connor Lattimer • Sep 5 2013 • Essays

The War on Terror marked a new security culture of anticipatory surveillance problematic in producing a sense of security that stretches beyond the political realm.

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