
Violent Peacekeeping: An Evaluation of the Performance of ECOWAS in the First Liberian Civil War (1989-1996)

Asim Rizvanovic • Sep 5 2013 • Essays

The first Liberian civil war is a vital prerequisite in understanding just how fallacious the Economic Community of West African States was in its activities before, during, and after the conflict.

Shame and Violence Nexus in the Sierra Leone Civil War

Justyna Maciejczak • Sep 4 2013 • Essays

Combined with other factors, such as emotional repression and social alienation, shame may manifest itself in the form of extreme violence, as in the case of the Sierra Leone Civil War.

Theoretical Synthesis in International Relations

Catherine Craven • Sep 4 2013 • Essays

Ultimately, if IR scholars hope to gain greater understanding of the contemporary empirical world, benefits of analytical eclecticism and theoretical synthesis outweigh their weaknesses.

The Threat of Cyberterrorism to Critical Infrastructure

Sam Powers • Sep 2 2013 • Essays

From all of the threats falling under the cyber umbrella, acts carried out to cause terror and loss of life through damage to critical infrastructure present the largest danger.

Can Stable Democracy Be the Outcome of Military Interventions?

Maceo Bruce Darby • Sep 2 2013 • Essays

Only in rare cases does military intervention lead to stable democracies. Successful democracy implementation is usually dependent on the internal factors and conditions of a state.

Multiculturalism, Migration, & Governance in Australia

Gina G. Song Lopez • Sep 1 2013 • Essays

The evolution of multiculturalism as a national policy in Australia shows that the country’s success draws from the implementation of adaptable and goal-oriented approaches to migration.

The End of History, US Democracy Initiatives, and the New World Order

Ashleigh Croucher • Sep 1 2013 • Essays

US democracy promotion initiatives are often imbued with undertones of national interest, and are not necessarily the most effective means of promoting international peace and security.

Peace Studies: An Alternative Perspective on International Security

James Whitehead • Aug 30 2013 • Essays

Peace Studies has evolved beyond traditional IR theories. Acknowledging a wider global security agenda, it is a highly valuable discipline in the 21st century.

Deconstructing the Clash of Civilizations in the Netherlands

Leonardo Quattrucci • Aug 29 2013 • Essays

When deconstructing the clash through the security theory, economic and social factors are crucial triggers of hostilities between Islamic minorities and Dutch/Western nativists.

‘Do No Harm’ Revisited: Assessing the Challenges of Its Relevancy in Post-Earthquake Haiti

Teresa Lappe-Osthege • Aug 29 2013 • Essays

Though this study shows that Anderson’s ‘Do No Harm’ can identify the shortcomings in the provision of aid, it also stresses that it cannot be applied to every context.

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