
Are Mexican Drug Cartels Transnational?

Kane Baguley • Aug 18 2013 • Essays

Mexican drug cartels have taken on many functions of the state, and should thus be analysed as political entities. Engaging with them in a political manner should help reduce violence.

The United States vs Wen Ho Lee: An Error of Cooperation, Prioritization, and Imagination

Efren R. Torres • Aug 17 2013 • Essays

The case of Wen Ho Lee supports Frederick L. Wettering’s claim that US counter-intelligence is alive, but not well.

The Need for a New European Union Energy Policy

Sebastian Mang • Aug 16 2013 • Essays

The European Union faces important energy security challenges and needs a comprehensive external energy policy which includes not only market-based but also geopolitical elements.

Machiavelli: A Proto-Pluralist?

Emil Panzaru • Aug 16 2013 • Essays

Having a negative view of human nature, emphasizing the autonomy of politics, and seeing morality as a useful image for the politician, Machiavelli is a forerunner of political realism.

Evaluating the Integration of the South African Women’s Movement

Roxanne Juliane Kovacs • Aug 14 2013 • Essays

Neither the increased number of female participants in politics nor the establishment of the National Gender Machinery has improved women’s material conditions in South Africa.

Legitimising Force: The Moral and Legal Ramifications of Humanitarian Intervention

James Whitehead • Aug 13 2013 • Essays

Balancing theory with practice: the success or failure to protect human lives is contingent on the need to solidify a unanimous consensus on intervention among members of the UN.

What Implications Does Rising Chinese Influence Have for Latin America?

Chris Barker • Aug 13 2013 • Essays

The economic implications resulting from the rising Chinese influence in Latin America are differentiated from country to country, but also within each country’s economic sector.

Legal Approaches to Public International Law and the Nature of International Affairs

Holly Barrington • Aug 13 2013 • Essays

Because of international affairs’ complex nature, scholars should move towards a more flexible notion of international law, away from strict positivism.

Is the Legacy of the Vietnam War Still Relevant for the Obama Administration?

Eleanor Kate Flanagan • Aug 11 2013 • Essays

The relevance of the Vietnam War has not faded, as the world is arguably a safer place when the U.S. executive favours selective intervention over careless displays of militarism.

Has Guaranteed Electoral Success Left the ANC Complacent?

Olivia McQuillan • Aug 10 2013 • Essays

Electoral dominance has allowed the ANC to grow complacent. Although the public remains largely supportive, it is increasingly disillusioned by the lack of tangible progress.

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