
The Defensive Iran: Rethinking Realism in the Case of Iran’s Nuclear Programme

Camilla Sundberg • Aug 10 2013 • Essays

Iran’s nuclear posture: defensively viable or offensively radical? A defensive realist approach tells the story of a vulnerable country in an increasingly threatening neighbourhood.

Different Political Trajectories: India and Pakistan

Maceo Bruce Darby • Aug 9 2013 • Essays

India and Pakistan’s differing political trajectories are not due to individual factors such as religion but a blend: history, identity, leadership, security, and international actors.

Is Today’s Far Right in Western Europe a Threat to Democracy?

James Barnes • Aug 9 2013 • Essays

The ascension of the far-right has, indeed, given the neo-liberal western democracies of Europe a stark wake-up call, with radical street movements becoming steadily more popular.

Web 2.0 and Agency in International Relations

Amy Rose Townsend • Aug 9 2013 • Essays

Web 2.0 is not a passive instrument simply imparting information but has become a new means of communication, revolutionising the social interactions of individuals.

Conscription of Child Soldiers: Their Own Volition?

Emilia Dungel • Aug 8 2013 • Essays

Because children play an important role in armed conflict, the question remains whether children conscript by their free will, by an overpowering adult, or by social conditions.

Free Trade in the Asia Pacific: A View From New Zealand

Nick Laery • Aug 7 2013 • Essays

The Asean-Australia-New Zealand Free Trade Agreement is a good case study for the Government of New Zealand’s view on bilateral and regional free trade agreements.

Reconsidering the Environment-Security Relationship

Ashleigh Croucher • Aug 7 2013 • Essays

Rather than redefining traditional notions of security to encompass the environment, the link between environmental change and vulnerability to conflict must be examined.

Social Glasnost: The Social Media Age and The Implosion of IR

A.T. Kingsmith • Aug 7 2013 • Essays

Social glasnost may encapsulate the increasing sweeping changes, specifically the Arab Spring, Occupy Movements, and Kony 2012, brought by anyone with an Internet or a mobile signal.

Irish Defence Force Services and Masculine Identity

Robert Morrow • Aug 5 2013 • Essays

The Irish Defence Forces creates soldiers by replacing individuality with an identity that embodies the Irish masculine ideal of being emotionally void, heterosexual, and strong.

Why China is not to Blame for the Militarisation of the South China Sea

Asim Rizvanovic • Aug 5 2013 • Essays

Although many scholars blame China’s PLAN for the militarization of the South China Sea, upon further look at their arguments, in reality, they have only overblown the situation.

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