
Terrorism: Realities, Constructs, and Theatre

James Cole • Aug 3 2013 • Essays

In the West, terrorism is largely a constructed threat, originating from the desire to construct identity. Macro-securitized, it is the greatest performance of the 21st century.

US and EU Differences in the Use of Military Force

Daniel Harper • Aug 3 2013 • Essays

A number of factors have influenced the diverging attitudes between the US and Europe, including capabilities; strategic culture; domestic politics; and the EU integration process.

Have International Financial Institutions Improved?

Franziska Wehinger • Aug 3 2013 • Essays

The International Financial Institutions have moved from an ideologically driven approach to one that is more peace-sensitive, promising greater stability in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The Future of Geospatial Technologies in Securing Cyberspace

Connor Lattimer • Aug 3 2013 • Essays

Shifts in the threat of crime mean that in the future, cyberspace will be as dangerous as the physical battlefield. Can geospatial technologies de-problematize the ‘cyber’?

Women’s Water Woes: Privatization and Reinforcement of Gender Inequality

Michele Cantos • Aug 2 2013 • Essays

The privatization and commoditization of water involves complex distributional choices that disproportionately impact women and girls living in slums and informal settlements.

Nasserism and Ba’thism: Modern, Contingent, Confused, and Instrumental

Michael Bolt • Aug 2 2013 • Essays

Fred Halliday’s assessment that nationalist movements in the Middle East are deeply complex affairs appears to be accurate under examination.

Creating Balance in Reconstruction States

Kenneth C Upsall • Aug 1 2013 • Essays

A successful transition from post-conflict society to developing state requires balancing punitive justice with the need for the conflicting parties to reconcile their differences.

Latin America: Politically Unfinished and Unfulfilled?

Olivia McQuillan • Aug 1 2013 • Essays

Latin America is not as politically developed as the West, yet is autonomous enough not to blindly follow Western models. It is set to carve its own path to sustainable democracy.

Media Minefield? Genocide, Peacekeeping, Failures in Rwanda

Tanushree Rao • Jul 31 2013 • Essays

By failing to committedly report on Rwanda, the media prevented public opinion from reaching a stage of a greater positive response to the genocide.

Defining Terrorism

Catherine Goodall • Jul 28 2013 • Essays

Attempts to form a universal and comprehensive definition of terrorism have not yet succeeded, but this lack of consensus need not impede attempts to counter terrorism itself.

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