
Assessing Russia’s Policy Toward its ‘Near Abroad’

Levan Kakhishvili • Jun 17 2013 • Essays

After the demise of the USSR, Russia struggled to reshape its identity and was unable to accept the new independent states in its neighbourhood, influencing its distinct foreign policy.

US Foreign Policy in Latin America

Shayda Sabet • Jun 14 2013 • Essays

Realism, taking states as rationally acting units of analysis, fails to adequately account for US foreign policy toward Latin America after the Cuban Revolution in 1959.

Realism: The Domination of Security Studies

Emily Tripp • Jun 14 2013 • Essays

The definition of security has expanded significantly. Now under the remit of security are issues beyond territorial conflicts and inter-state aggression.

Has US Military Power Made it Unchallengeable?

Daniel Harper • Jun 14 2013 • Essays

Due to the changing character of war, conventional military superiority is no longer the deciding force in conflict making the US vulnerable when facing asymmetric threats.

US Grand Strategy Options

Leigh Crowley • Jun 13 2013 • Essays

Given the apparent demise of the liberal hegemonic order, the US should fuse offshore balancing and liberal internationalism grand strategies to maintain a ‘first among equals’ global position.

US Foreign Policy Challenges: Cyber Terrorism & Critical Infrastructure

Natalia Tereshchenko • Jun 12 2013 • Essays

A multidisciplinary approach to understanding cyber terrorism is essential to compiling policies capable of responding to today’s problems and to future threats.

Africa’s Burden: Labour Markets, Natural Resources and the FDI ‘Reliance-Rejection’ Paradox

Andrea de Mauro • Jun 11 2013 • Essays

Sub-Saharan Africa is locked in an FDI paradox that prevents it from funding its own development, a problem for which international financial institutions bear much responsibility.

International Politics & Human Nature

Rosie Walters • Jun 9 2013 • Essays

Realists claim that international politics are derived from human’s nature to war and cause destruction, which emphasizes masculinity and eschews women from the international arena.

Hedley Bull: Constitutive or Reflective of International Society?

Abigail Temperley • Jun 7 2013 • Essays

Bull’s conception of diplomacy is constitutive of international society and its constituent rules, norms and conventions – which have been shaped by institutions.

The 1940 Election and US Foreign Policy

Luke Devoy • Jun 6 2013 • Essays

FDR was able to traverse the minefield of elections without changing the substance of his policies, due to his political skill, favourable events, and the approach of his opposition.

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