
Emerging Ethnic Hatred in Jonglei State, South Sudan

Yuki Yoshida • Jul 11 2013 • Essays

Trapped in an ethnic security dilemma, the Lou Neur and Murle in South Sudan have entered into an ethnic conflict in which they compete over scarce resources for cattle grazing.

Changing Israeli Security Perspectives

Carl Ciovacco • Jul 11 2013 • Essays

Is Israel returning to the strategy of “security through peace” or a continuation of the “security through strength” mindset characterized by deterrence, containment, and military force?

Traditional Power-Relations in Cambodia

Philip Brown • Jul 10 2013 • Essays

Studying traditional power-relations during the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia will help further our understanding of violence and the Cambodian peace process.

Escalation of a Foreign Policy Crisis

Zachary K. Ochoa • Jul 10 2013 • Essays

In any foreign policy crisis, leaders have two options: to use violence to end the conflict or to pursue a diplomatic resolution, and certain variables will influence the actor’s decision.

The Architecture of Spies

Connor Lattimer • Jul 9 2013 • Essays

The city has always been a resource for power. Predominately, this power has been exercised through the use of surveillance by elites in government, the armed forces and law enforcement agencies.

Understanding Regional Integration in the GCC

Robert Copper • Jul 8 2013 • Essays

The literature overlooks factors significant to the development of the GCC, revealing a Western bias that ignores the underlying social, cultural, political, and economic structures.

Are IFIs Adapting to Post-Conflict Environments?

Wim van Doorn • Jul 4 2013 • Essays

In their rhetoric, the World Bank and the IMF seem to be fully committed to the demands of post-conflict settings, but in practice, the record of the last fifteen years is mixed.

Ideas and Materials in IR

Abigail Temperley • Jul 3 2013 • Essays

An examination of Great Britain’s acceptance into the European Economic Community in 1973 rekindles the agent-structure conversation in international relations.

Challenging the Dominant Globalization-Migration Discourse

Tommy Gavin • Jul 3 2013 • Essays

Financial institutions increasingly view migrant workers as generators of international capital flows, demonstrating the dominance of neoliberalism within development discourse.

The French Intervention in Mali

Patrick Pitts • Jul 1 2013 • Essays

A victory in Mali will allow France to achieve political penance for “francafrique” while simultaneously obtaining renewed power on the international stage.

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