
Could the United States Have Won in Vietnam?

Bradley Willis • May 23 2013 • Essays

Victory in Vietnam required support from the indigenous population: this the US failed to understand, and instead separated its military strategy from the political reality.

Who Rules Russia?

Anna Derinova • May 22 2013 • Essays

The Russian political structure is neither a homogeneous entity nor an authoritarian system or business oligarchy; instead, it is a complex tripolar system presided over by Putin.

How Can People Be Opposed To Globalization?

Oliver Simon • May 21 2013 • Essays

Fears regarding globalization have a state-centric logic belying a realist methodology. A liberal – cosmopolitan reframing of these objections turns these fears back upon themselves.

Ethnic Minorities and Political Participation

Cansarp Kaya • May 20 2013 • Essays

The structure of a state’s government and its strategies towards minorities determines whether or not ethnic minorities participate in political processes through institutionalized modes.

A Study of Intellectualism in Czechoslovakia and its Role in the Velvet Revolution

Heidi Gordon • May 20 2013 • Essays

Unlike many revolutions, the revolution in Czechoslovakia was inspirational and humane. It centred on a fight for democracy, tradition and culture.

Israeli Air Power 1973-1982: How Did the Israeli Air Force Recover after the October War?

Alastair Livingston • May 20 2013 • Essays

The IAF was able to rehabilitate itself due to technological enhancements and by restoring its image as the guardian of the Jewish state.

Critically Assessing the Role of Islam in Authoritarian Contexts

Tom Moylan • May 18 2013 • Essays

To assert that Islam necessitates authoritarian regimes eschews the diverse experiences of Muslims, and interpretations of Islam and democracy.

Did the United States Occupation of Iraq Fail?

Chris Barker • May 17 2013 • Essays

An increasingly important factor in relation to the difficulties experienced by the CPA in its attempt at neo-liberalisation is the ‘everyday’ Iraqi’s opinion on the process.

Inadvertent War: Rare, yet Real

Glenn Scheideler • May 17 2013 • Essays

Inadvertent wars, although rare, can be identified in history, and their causes can be explained by analysing prescribed crisis management techniques and the realist security dilemma.

The United States’ Need to Ratify the Rome Statute

Sydney McKenney • May 17 2013 • Essays

By refusing to ratify the Rome Statue, the US shrinks from its international obligations, disrespects the law of nations, and fails to play a role in advancing international law.

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