
The Failure of the EU’s Human Rights Policy

Jessica Williams • Apr 12 2013 • Essays

Although the European Union prides itself on being a defender of human rights, its policies are often deeply flawed and there is a disparity between its internal and external policies.

The Future of Nuclear Power in South Korea after Fukushima

Jonathan York • Apr 11 2013 • Essays

As South Korea is poised to become a leader in nuclear technology, the events of Fukushima question the wisdom of continuing the international expansion of its nuclear complex.

Is Regionalism a Threat to Trade Liberalization?

Tom Moylan • Apr 10 2013 • Essays

Given responsible control and monitoring of regional trade agreements, regionalism can be a stepping stone, not a stumbling block, on the road to multilateral trade liberalization.

Why Do Islamist Groups Deploy Violence?

Charles Cooper • Apr 9 2013 • Essays

A case-by-case approach to understanding violence employed by Islamic groups enables a deeper understanding of the decision-making underpinning their diverse strategies.

Explaining Democratic Developments in Post-Communist Countries

Levan Kakhishvili • Apr 8 2013 • Essays

The lack of democratisation in former communist countries is more complex than the debate around presidential and parliamentary systems.

Is the United Nations an Effective Institution?

Susanne Hartmann • Apr 8 2013 • Essays

The UN has an anarchic and realist structure, hindering it from effective decision-making and development. It is further challenged by diverse epistemologies and competing Great Power interests.

Principles of Distributive Justice Within the EU

Maurice Dunaiski • Apr 5 2013 • Essays

A transactional practice-dependent approach to distributive justice demonstrates that more social solidarity is required to counter problems of ‘background injustice’ in the EU.

The Institutional Aspects of Russia-EU Relations

Katja Mann • Apr 5 2013 • Essays

Russia has a special relationship with the EU, but since the end of the Cold War, both entities have struggled to find enough common ground for cooperation.

The War on Terror and Western Security Services

Oliver Jack Smith-Mearns • Apr 5 2013 • Essays

The War on Terror has greatly altered the role of Western security services: many changes have been products of the Bush Doctrine, and have been furthered by Obama’s policies.

U.S. Foreign Policy Failures in Iraq

Patrick Pitts • Apr 4 2013 • Essays

The Gulf War may be considered a military triumph par excellence; however, a destabilized Iraq must also be considered a disastrous outcome for the U.S. Foreign Policy establishment.

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