
The Fusion Thesis and Europeanization

Ali Abdi Omar • Mar 8 2013 • Essays

The fusion thesis is a helpful lens through which to understand EU integration, but it must be understood as more than the permeation of the supranational into the national arena.

The Labour Movement in Zimbabwe 1980-2012

Joe Sutcliffe • Mar 7 2013 • Essays

The Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions is at the centre of emancipatory, grassroots activism in Zimbabwe, providing potential for a democratic, anti-neoliberal future.

State Failure, Insecurity, and the International System

Nathalie Versavel • Mar 7 2013 • Essays

Failed states give rise to transnational security threats such as terrorism, piracy, conflict spill-over and refugee flows, making state failure a major source of insecurity today.

Zealotry and Pragmatism: Hamas, Hizbullah, and Syria

Romana Michelon • Mar 5 2013 • Essays

Hamas’ and Hizbullah’s responses to the Syrian crisis resulted from the interplay between strategic and ideological considerations, reflecting the concept of Islamist ‘actorness’.

Economic Opportunity Model in the Angolan Civil War

Collier and Hoeffler’s economic opportunity theory does not fully account for ethnic and racial divisions, which are primarily culpable for the Angolan Civil War.

The Unfinished Revolution in Egypt

Alex Serafimov • Mar 3 2013 • Essays

Tackling socio-economic issues, such as poverty and inequality, is not only desirable in principle, but is actively required for the functioning of Egypt’s newly developing democracy.

Hanging By A Thread? China, America and the New Silk Road

Joseph Anstee • Mar 2 2013 • Essays

The Chinese concept of a New Silk Road is based around over forty thousand kilometres of railways in three corridors across the Eurasian continent dubbed the ‘Eurasian Land Bridge’.

A Pragmatic Approach to Social Science

Ivaylo Iaydjiev • Mar 1 2013 • Essays

In short, a similar emphasis on power, the contingency of truth, and reflexivity of scientific communities lead to a shared skeptical view of unidirectional ‘progress’ in science.

Realism Today

Emanuela Voinea • Mar 1 2013 • Essays

Realism takes an explanatory rather than a normative approach, and Realist concepts provide a pragmatic framework for the effective analysis of current international issues and events.

Challenges of Devolution Politics in the UK

Alvaro Florez Diez • Feb 27 2013 • Essays

Devolution represents the most important change that the Westminster model has ever experienced. It has affected its politics in unintended ways, challenging the UK’s territorial and political integrity.

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