
How are Nationalist Politics and Religious Faith Related?

Nikita Malik • Mar 10 2013 • Essays

Whilst the use of religion as a ‘defence mechanism’ may reinforce ‘exclusion for inclusion’ concepts, to argue that it is the cause and consequence of Hindu nationalist politics would be limited.

‘Greed’ and ‘Grievance’ as Motivations for Civil War: The Libyan Case

Wim van Doorn • Mar 9 2013 • Essays

The Arab Spring provides new opportunities for the study of civil wars. The wave of protests has led to two violent rebellions: the Libyan revolutionary war and the Syrian civil war.

Was the Good Governance Agenda Politically Neutral?

Georg Berger • Mar 8 2013 • Essays

There seems to be an enduring inability to understand that Africa is modernizing in its own way. The Western development discourse remains authoritarian and coercive.

Mearsheimer’s Realism and the Rise of China

Laurence Vincent • Mar 8 2013 • Essays

John Mearsheimer attempts to reduce the factors influencing the development of the US-China relationship, which are inestimable, to fit the limited parameters of his theory.

Joseph Nye on Soft Power

Maxime Gomichon • Mar 8 2013 • Essays

Nye argues that soft power is as important as hard power in international politics because it enables a change of behaviour in others without competition or conflict.

The Fusion Thesis and Europeanization

Ali Abdi Omar • Mar 8 2013 • Essays

The fusion thesis is a helpful lens through which to understand EU integration, but it must be understood as more than the permeation of the supranational into the national arena.

The Labour Movement in Zimbabwe 1980-2012

Joe Sutcliffe • Mar 7 2013 • Essays

The Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions is at the centre of emancipatory, grassroots activism in Zimbabwe, providing potential for a democratic, anti-neoliberal future.

State Failure, Insecurity, and the International System

Nathalie Versavel • Mar 7 2013 • Essays

Failed states give rise to transnational security threats such as terrorism, piracy, conflict spill-over and refugee flows, making state failure a major source of insecurity today.

Zealotry and Pragmatism: Hamas, Hizbullah, and Syria

Romana Michelon • Mar 5 2013 • Essays

Hamas’ and Hizbullah’s responses to the Syrian crisis resulted from the interplay between strategic and ideological considerations, reflecting the concept of Islamist ‘actorness’.

Economic Opportunity Model in the Angolan Civil War

Collier and Hoeffler’s economic opportunity theory does not fully account for ethnic and racial divisions, which are primarily culpable for the Angolan Civil War.

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