
Realism and Non-State Actors Revisited

Evan Laksmana • Jan 22 2013 • Essays

A critique of Realism is its supposed inability to consider the growing role of non-state actors. However, without differentiating Realism into its various strands, this is too simple a critique.

Critical Assessment of Cosmopolitan Democracy

Daria Jarczewska • Jan 22 2013 • Essays

It would be beneficial to free the concept of democracy of its territorial, state-bound constraints and work toward a more democratic global order, but a new global structure is not feasible.

International Intervention as a Failing Concept

Thomas M. Dunn • Jan 20 2013 • Essays

International interventions appear to be legitimised on moral, ethical and humanitarian grounds, but often they are abused as a weapon of realpolitik whilst facing calls of imperialism.

An Analysis of a Hobbesian Morality in International Relations

Jan Dobrosielski • Jan 19 2013 • Essays

While global resources are by no means unlimited, the nature of competition for resources between states is not as aggressive as that between individuals in a state of nature.

Expanding UN Peacekeeping Operations Since 1990

Andrea Pavón Guinea • Jan 18 2013 • Essays

The egoistic passions and self-interests of states, in terms of military, economic and diplomatic power, marked the increasing number of UN peacekeeping operations after 1990.

A Theoretical Assessment of Humanitarian Intervention and R2P

Yuki Yoshida • Jan 16 2013 • Essays

Although “humanitarian interventions” have been undertaken in the post-Cold War era, most were not purely humanitarian-oriented, but driven by states’ national interests.

Intelligence, Empire and the Communist Underground in Southeast Asia

James Matthew Black • Jan 13 2013 • Essays

Two intelligence failures in the European fight against Asian anti-imperial insurgency seem to be classic intelligence scandals with grave implications for the Asian continent.

The Securitization of Legal Immigration in The United Kingdom

D. Morgan Trujillo • Jan 12 2013 • Essays

When differentiating one group from another, whether it is a societal differentiation, national or ethnic distinctions, a process of ‘self-definition’ and ‘other-definition’ occur.

The Proliferation of Conventional Weapons: A Post-Cold War Problem

Shannon Pash • Jan 11 2013 • Essays

The banning of antipersonnel mines by the Ottawa Treaty in 1997 was a huge achievement in the attempts to reduce the amount of future damage caused by these devices.

Thinking About Free Trade: The Role of Ideas in Shaping Trade Regimes

Emma Bell-Scollan • Jan 11 2013 • Essays

Trade regimes of the late 19th century and post-War era shared a common root in liberal economic theory, but fostered opposing policies on government intervention in domestic markets.

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