
The Unfinished Revolution in Egypt

Alex Serafimov • Mar 3 2013 • Essays

Tackling socio-economic issues, such as poverty and inequality, is not only desirable in principle, but is actively required for the functioning of Egypt’s newly developing democracy.

Hanging By A Thread? China, America and the New Silk Road

Joseph Anstee • Mar 2 2013 • Essays

The Chinese concept of a New Silk Road is based around over forty thousand kilometres of railways in three corridors across the Eurasian continent dubbed the ‘Eurasian Land Bridge’.

A Pragmatic Approach to Social Science

Ivaylo Iaydjiev • Mar 1 2013 • Essays

In short, a similar emphasis on power, the contingency of truth, and reflexivity of scientific communities lead to a shared skeptical view of unidirectional ‘progress’ in science.

Realism Today

Emanuela Voinea • Mar 1 2013 • Essays

Realism takes an explanatory rather than a normative approach, and Realist concepts provide a pragmatic framework for the effective analysis of current international issues and events.

Challenges of Devolution Politics in the UK

Alvaro Florez Diez • Feb 27 2013 • Essays

Devolution represents the most important change that the Westminster model has ever experienced. It has affected its politics in unintended ways, challenging the UK’s territorial and political integrity.

The Failure of the Global Gendarmerie: A Theoretical Perspective

Rusu Mihai-Alin • Feb 27 2013 • Essays

The UN, while far from flawless, is of paramount importance and relevance for maintaining national security and the worldwide protection of human rights.

Is the United Nations an Effective Institution?

Matthew John Ribeiro Norley • Feb 23 2013 • Essays

Even though liberal and realist arguments divide opinion over the UN’s effectiveness in global politics, it is an effective institution for legislating environmental and humanitarian rights laws.

The Political and Economic Dimension of the War in Afghanistan

Stoyan Stoyanov • Feb 22 2013 • Essays

With increasing globalization, the spread of ideas is limitless and states’ borders become porous, which therefore permits radical ideas and beliefs to infiltrate other countries.

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization in Light of Organization Theory

Hossein Aghaie Joobani • Feb 22 2013 • Essays

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization operates in a diametrically different cultural and normative setting to Western International Organizations and must be seen within this context.

Exploring Mercenaries

Casey Sahadath • Feb 20 2013 • Essays

The centuries-old mercenary profession lives on in the modern era, and the current use of private military contractors, while at unprecedented levels, does not signify a new type of war.

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