
SAARC: United Dream or Regional Nightmare?

Nikita Malik • Jan 10 2013 • Essays

Weak institutions, norms, and domestic regimes play key roles in explaining the lack of success of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation in sustaining collaboration.

The Challenges of the European SMP and Euro for the US

Jean-Baptiste Tai-Sheng Jacquet • Jan 10 2013 • Essays

The SMP and Euro posed challenges to the US by shifting the transatlantic and global balance of power, and pushing the federal sector toward a more unified stance on economics.

Is a World without Nuclear Weapons a Realistic Prospect?

Thomas M. Dunn • Jan 9 2013 • Essays

It is the possibility of terrist groups and rogue states acquiring nuclear weapons that force the existing nuclear powers to retain overwhelming nuclear capabilities.

Shale Gas Development in China

Svetlana Izrailova • Jan 9 2013 • Essays

Development of shale gas is a priority for Chinese leadership, who hope the resource will decrease reliance on foreign imports and allow for greater independence and security.

Obstacles to Peace Agreements

Katrine Steingrimsen • Jan 8 2013 • Essays

As learned from the failure of negotiations in Rwanda and Sierra Leone, the likelihood for parties to commit to an agreement improves if peace is made desirable and continued war costly.

Evolution of the Responsibility to Protect

Nico Smit • Jan 7 2013 • Essays

The moral standing and credibility of the US and UK have weakened following Iraq, thus negatively impacting their ability to build international commitment to the R2P principle.

Nuclear Stability Following the Cold War

James Whitehead • Jan 5 2013 • Essays

The nuclear proliferation by non-signatories to the NPT, coupled with the decline in US status and rise of Asian military power, has increased tensions surrounding the nuclear debate.

European Union Democracy Promotion: The Case of Bahrain

Benjamin Ledwon • Jan 5 2013 • Essays

While the EU has achieved successes in promoting democracy in its immediate neighbourhood, its normative foreign policy has been less successful within a global context.

National Security Complications Arising from Scottish Independence

Berenice Burnett • Jan 5 2013 • Essays

An independent Scotland is unlikely to have the financial security or the resources required to develop and maintain the broad national security and defence that the SNP publicises.

What Role Does Trade Play in Development?

Andrei Constantin • Jan 4 2013 • Essays

Basically, the Heckscher-Ohlin idea is that nations export goods that intensively use their abundant factor and import those goods that are manufactured from the scarce factor.

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