
Democratic Deficits in International Institutions

Yuliya Pismennaya • Nov 20 2012 • Essays

The UN, IMF, and World Bank are characterized by democratic deficit. Chains of accountability are long, indirect, and consequently, very weak.

Transcending the Security Dilemma in International Relations

Hannah Manson • Nov 18 2012 • Essays

The Chicken game theory is not only applicable to the strategies of current global actors. It forms an explanatory framework for all strategic interactions between any two actors.

The Arab-Israeli Case: National Interests and the Limits of UN Capabilities

Carlos Garcia Cueva • Nov 18 2012 • Essays

It is possible to observe that the US has sufficient strategic reasons to block the creation of a Palestinian State in order to not jeopardize its security strategies.

The Differences Between the Taliban and Al-Qaeda

Josh Schott • Nov 17 2012 • Essays

The mainstream media and the Bush Administration blended the Taliban and Al-Qaeda together making the two groups the same terrorist entity in the eyes of the American public.

Limited Aims and the Falklands War

Conor Fullan • Nov 16 2012 • Essays

Argentina miscalculated how, and to what degree, Britain would react. This was the primary reason for Argentina’s failure to gain sovereignty over the Falkland Islands.

The Iraq War and the Utility of Force

Meg ODuffy • Nov 16 2012 • Essays

The U.S, throughout the invasion and occupation of Iraq, exhibited an overreliance on force, to the exclusion of more appropriate forms of soft power, including the promotion of democracy among the Iraqi population.

Prescriptions for IMF Reform: The Case Against Market Fundamentalism

Shayda Sabet • Nov 15 2012 • Essays

IMF prescriptions often carry adverse effects on the countries that adopt them, leaving the country and its citizens in a deeper state of crisis.

U.S.A: More Guns, Less Crime?

Lisbeth Andrea Oviedo Prada • Nov 14 2012 • Essays

The United States is unique among wealthy nations in its vast private inventory of firearms, consisting of nearly 300 million guns, used for hunting, recreation and murder.

Addressing Misconduct by UN personnel: How to Hold Offenders Accountable?

Ivo Martinich • Nov 13 2012 • Essays

Allegations of sexual exploitation by UN peacekeepers generated controversy and criticism against UN missions. Response measures have been insufficient to resolve these abuses.

The Yuan’s Potential as a Medium of Exchange

Jonathan Cottingham • Nov 13 2012 • Essays

The Chinese Yuan will likely become the medium of exchange in South-East Asia, but is not likely to challenge the predominance of the US dollar internationally.

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