
The Middle East and Oil: Economic Modernisation and Political Stagnation

Anastasija Malachova • Oct 29 2012 • Essays

Oil has led to economic modernization and prosperity in the Middle East while creating weak states, autonomous from societal demands and political accountability.

An Assessment of the Phenomenon of Global Jihad

Christopher McVey • Oct 27 2012 • Essays

Salafism is the belief that over centuries of Islamic practice, certain Muslims have introduced new practices and innovations that have distorted the message of Islam and the Prophet.

Foucault’s Interpretation of Modernity

Luke Godfrey • Oct 26 2012 • Essays

Foucault’s understanding of modernity is focused on the constructive potential of transgression or transfiguration & its role in creating forms of subjugation and experimentation in society.

Environmental Democracy? Does Anyone Really Care?

Akash Goreeba • Oct 26 2012 • Essays

Environmental justice is not just a local issue but a global, an inter-generational, and undoubtedly a problematic one. This should be a concern of not only the few, but all countries.

On the Effectiveness of Granting the Most Favored Nation Status to India

Sadaf Basharat • Oct 25 2012 • Essays

Until India decides to reduce its Non-Tariff Barriers the granting of MFN status to India will not do anything to benefit Pakistani traders and exporters.

The Causes of the Sierra Leone Civil War

Se Young Jang • Oct 25 2012 • Essays

The civil war was the result of varied interactions between structural problems in Sierra Leone society which increased grievances among people and led to the emergence of the RUF.

How Election-Year Politics Shape US Policy Towards the Israel-Iran Nuclear Dispute

Karim Shanahan • Oct 25 2012 • Essays

Will Obama be able to satisfy the desires of the Israel lobby, his constituency, and the State of Israel sufficiently enough to avoid harming his reelection campaign?

Torture at Abu Ghraib: A Technique in Fighting A New Kind of War

Fatmata Samura • Oct 24 2012 • Essays

Calling the event a crime localizes it, but casting Abu Ghraib as a war crime might help make a moral and legal argument out of what happened.

Is Ethnic Conflict Rational

Charlotte Langridge • Oct 21 2012 • Essays

Ethnic conflict can be explained as rational using a combination of rational-choice theory and interpretivism. Viewed through this lens, the meaning of ethnic conflict within the context of the politics of culture and transition.

U.S. Foreign Policy and Russia: The Role of Internal Debates and Politics

Jacob Kennedy • Oct 20 2012 • Essays

Imagining a great power-focused, cooperative strategy between the U.S. and Russia will only be possible if internal political debates in the U.S. create an environment for it to develop.

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