
Democratic Agonism: Conflict and Contestation in Divided Societies

Kathryn Harvey • Oct 20 2012 • Essays

By choosing to ignore an agonistic approach, democratic politics in Turkey has in fact exacerbated the antagonistic potential existing in society.

Climate Change Policy Analysis

Lisa Wellman-Tuck • Oct 20 2012 • Essays

The United States will face considerable challenges in reducing the impact of climate change without robust legislation and a political commitment to the issue.

Is New Public Management Irrelevant to Developing Countries?

Abdelfatah Ibrahim • Oct 19 2012 • Essays

NPM is generally an effective replacement for the traditional administration model, but it is not necessarily suitable for all countries around the world.

Assessing the Viability of a Complete Environmental Kuznets Curve

Luca Ferrini • Oct 19 2012 • Essays

Sustained growth cannot be obtained simply through capital inputs. For growth and environmental protection to be compatible, technology must be the driver of growth.

Does Britain’s Future Lie with North America, rather than Europe?

Mareike Oldemeinen • Oct 19 2012 • Essays

Current events like the European debt crisis seem to only emphasise the need for Britain to look to North America in order to join NAFTA and escape European bureaucracy.

Mass Consumption and Meaningful Democratic Politics

Luke Corden • Oct 18 2012 • Essays

On an ideological level citizens have gradually internalised a consumer ideology, which is susceptible to marketing whether it be brand of product or brand of politics.

Can an Intervention in Syria be Morally Permissible? Is it Morally Obligatory?

James Morley • Oct 18 2012 • Essays

May a nation intervene in another nation’s conflict on loose humanitarian grounds to serve its own purpose? Interventions must be committed to helping the people who are persecuted.

The Failure of Neoliberal Transition Policies in Eastern Europe Post-1989

Michael Koenig • Oct 16 2012 • Essays

Neoliberal shock therapy in Eastern Europe has helped the West create exporting tigers, competing on the basis of cheap labour costs and opening up markets for themselves.

Personality in Foreign Policy Decision-Making

Caitlin Smith • Oct 16 2012 • Essays

Can personality be used to explain Israeli foreign policy during the 1982 Lebanon War, and can it contribute to our understanding of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict?

Appeasement and the Munich Crisis

Jenghiz von Streng • Oct 14 2012 • Essays

During the Munich Crisis, there was little choice other than appeasement, particularly given that the vast majority of the British and French public, as well as elites, were not prepared to fight another war with Germany.

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