
Post 9/11 US Foreign Policy: Continuation of ‘New Imperialist’ Ambitions?

anon • Aug 14 2012 • Essays

The terrorist attacks of 9/11 acted as catalysts for the U.S. to increase its imperialist foreign policy, by which the pre-existing imperialist nature of U.S. foreign policy has become more apparent.

Why has the Washington Consensus not Expanded to Cover Middle East Countries

Juan Carlos Ladines Azalia • Aug 14 2012 • Essays

The importance of the Washington Consensus as a symbol of modernity addresses the question of how its discourse was rejected by other identities, especially in the Middle East.

The Neo-Colonialism of Development Programs

Cecil Sagoe • Aug 12 2012 • Essays

A theoretical examination of North-South and South-South development projects shows how these programs reinforce global systems of economic dependence and strucures of inequality.

The Significance of the 2009 Lisbon Treaty for the Working of the European Union

Jean-Baptiste Tai-Sheng Jacquet • Aug 9 2012 • Essays

Although very advanced in the process, today we can still see that the creating and perfecting of the European Union remains on the agenda.

Assessing the Language of the EU’s Counter-Terrorism Strategy

Sondre Lindahl • Aug 9 2012 • Essays

Terrorism must be understood within its own cultural grammar. It is not in the words that the importance lies, but in the way they are used, by whom, and to what effect.

What is the Best Grand Strategy for the United States in 2012?

Sean Paul Ashley • Aug 9 2012 • Essays

The fixity of US overseas interests – control over oil and waterways – and the erosion of global unipolarity must serve as the central bases for any viable grand strategic proposal.

The Benefits and Challenges of Economic & Monetary Union

Anastasios Vourexakis • Aug 8 2012 • Essays

It is important to remember that the Euro, as a result of the stages of EMU such as ERM and the Growth & Stability Pact, is still in deep teething mode.

The Legal Character of R2P and the UN Charter

Brad Halt • Aug 8 2012 • Essays

The endorsement of R2P has entrenched the Security Council’s power to take humanitarian action consistently and with confidence that the processes are firmly rooted in international law.

Problems with Anglo-American Centered International Theory

anon • Aug 7 2012 • Essays

There is a need to expose the relationship between IR’s roots and whom it currently favours in its interpretation. Only then can we work towards a truly ‘international’ theory.

The United Nations System: How Australia can Punch Above its Weight

Scott Limbrick • Aug 7 2012 • Essays

Engagement with the UN should be prioritised in Australia’s foreign policy, requiring a rethink of diplomatic capacity and the development of a broad platform for engagement.

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