
How Did the Brahimi Report Improve the Effectiveness of UN Peacekeeping Operations?

Lauren Durand • Sep 5 2012 • Essays

The Brahimi report is not an achievement in itself as peacekeeping still faces operational issues but it greatly contributed to the improvement by highlighting several flaws.

Does the European Union Lead in the Combat of Climate Change?

anon • Sep 4 2012 • Essays

The extent to which the EU can be accurately labelled as the world leader in combating climate change has increased, despite elements still appearing relatively fragile.

Challenges to Disarmament, Demobilisation, and Reintegration

Philip Stibbe • Sep 2 2012 • Essays

In some cases the international community has exacerbated obstacles to DDR through arms sales to war-torn societies, budgetary constraints, or neglect of ex-combatants.

Theorizing Realist and Gramscian Hegemony

Anne Konrad • Sep 2 2012 • Essays

The Realist approach reduces hegemony to economic and military dominance, while neo-Gramscian theorists broaden the concept of hegemony as established by forces within a state and on a world scale.

Why is Intelligence Sometimes Controversial in Democratic States?

Jeremy Jones • Sep 1 2012 •

Exactly how accountable are intelligence agencies and to whom? Before the 1970’s many intelligence services acted by executive decree and there was very little in the way of legislature involvement.

Has American Imperialism Shaped the World in the 20th Century?

Leighton James Hughes • Aug 30 2012 • Essays

If America is an empire, it is not in the conventional sense of defined territorial occupation. However, it is essential to recognize the ways in which America has shaped the world of today.

Cold War Politics in the Middle East

Sean Paul Ashley • Aug 30 2012 • Essays

America sought to deny the Soviets access to Middle Eastern territory and, through the policy of containment, inhibit the expansion of the Soviet sphere of influence.

China’s Rise in Historical Context: Prospects for Peaceful Integration

Sam Sussman • Aug 29 2012 • Essays

The U.S. and the international community must recognize that the question at stake is not the fact of China’s rise, but how the global community can avoid shortsighted defensiveness.

A Brief History of the Feminist Movements in Turkey

Adam Leake • Aug 29 2012 • Essays

Several cleavages that exist within the feminist movements in Turkey have become apparent following the second wave of feminism which occurred following the 1980 military coup.

Agency and International Relations: An Alternative Lens

Joseph Royo • Aug 28 2012 • Essays

Synthesizing the agency biases across theoretical schools of thought reveals a more comprehensive analytical picture than those viewed through a particular theoretical lens.

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