
The NBA and the World’s America

Rishabh Chawda • Aug 1 2021 • Essays

The NBA has hegemonised basketball and latched onto the cultural icons of ‘America’ and the ‘American dream’ to cater to global audiences.

Narratives of Violence: The Hong Kong Protests Through Opposing Media Outlets

Shumin Cao • Jul 28 2021 • Essays

Two media outlets, the Guardian and the People’s Daily, are markedly different in their portrayal of violence during the 2019-20 Hong Kong protests.

ISIS’ Use of Sexual Violence as a Strategy of Terrorism in Iraq

Beatrice Aubert • Jul 27 2021 • Essays

The case of the Yazidi community provides evidence on how terrorist groups can resort to sexual violence as a strategy of ethnic cleansing.

Military Conscription and Its Role in Shaping a Nation

Nina Nasr • Jul 25 2021 • Essays

Switzerland and Singapore are case studies to show that in specific situations military conscription can increase social cohesion and help the nation-building process.

Ontological Insecurity: A Case Study on Israeli-Palestinian Conflict in Jerusalem

Elaine Donderer • Jul 23 2021 • Essays

Under ontological security theory, Jerusalem engages in securitization in an effort to protect and solidify Israeli identity, resulting in Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Multidisciplinary Approaches to Security: The Paris School and Ontological Security

Katharina Langwald • Jul 13 2021 • Essays

Acknowledging the importance of routines for ontological security and considering them as part of the habitus of an actor represents a valuable asset to field of security.

Recreating a Nation’s Identity Through Symbolism: A Chinese Case Study

Ananya Sood • Jul 11 2021 • Essays

Mao’s desire for a cultural change in China was an attempt to retain his power within the Communist Party, but his errors in final years overshadowed his achievements.

Offensive Realism and the Rise of China: A Useful Framework for Analysis?

Frank Kuhn • Jul 9 2021 • Essays

While offensive realism emphasizes China’s rise, it provides a limited–if not dangerous–analytical perspective on the issue.

Fragmentation, Back Channels, and Hurting Stalemates in the Oslo Accords

Maria Ravazoula • Jul 6 2021 • Essays

Fragmentation during the Intifada demonstrates that while fragmentation is not inherently a positive attribute in civil war, it can be applied in future conflicts.

Identity in International Conflicts: A Case Study of the Cuban Missile Crisis

Yu Yun Tsou • Jul 2 2021 • Essays

Looking at the Cuban Missile Crisis and the role of US and Soviet identity, poststructuralism provides the most compelling account of identity’s role in international conflicts

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