
The Ticking Bomb and the Justification of Torture

Jessica Devlin • Jul 5 2012 • Essays

The “ticking bomb” metaphor is an unrealistic and wholly unconvincing argument in favour of torture that relies on assumptions that do not stand up to scrutiny in the real world.

Can Gazprom be a Reliable Central Asian Gas Supplier to Europe?

anon • Jul 5 2012 • Essays

The EU’s interests in Central Asia are best served through cooperation with Gazprom rather than competition.

Interdependence as a Constraint Upon State Behaviour

Alex Le Roy • Jul 5 2012 • Essays

The 1973 oil crisis shows how the development of relations between systemic actors has become characterized by systems of complex interdependence.

Turned Inside-Out: The Concept of the Political and Reflexive International Relations

A.C. McKeil • Jul 4 2012 • Essays

While international politics is fettered and formed by the imperious political culture of the West, IR is developing a reflexive turn. That turn gives a new compelling impetus to the popular and radical traditions of resistance and critique.

Bush and US Foreign Policy: Change or Continuity?

Sam Randfield • Jul 3 2012 • Essays

In terms of fundamental principles Bush’s pre- and post-9/11 foreign policy strategies did not differ dramatically from each other or from historical norms.

Was the Arab Spring a Regional Response to Globalisation?

Ella Moore • Jul 2 2012 • Essays

The Arab Spring was a series of national responses to anachronistic regimes and domestic conditions catalysed, but not created, by the pressures of globalisation.

History: A Dangerous Weapon in Political Hands?

Chloe Janssen-Lester • Jul 2 2012 • Essays

History, because of the authority with which it is bestowed, is of particular utility for political agents. Invoking the past is a way of evidencing the circumstances of the present.

State Sovereignty in the Post-Cold War era

Nigel Hogan • Jul 1 2012 • Essays

The nature of state sovereignty has altered in the post-Cold War period to reflect a changing global society and that this is for the betterment of global politics and citizens

AIPAC and Iran: Influential or Irrelevant?

Drew Wagstaff • Jul 1 2012 • Essays

The introduction of the AIPAC into the debate surrounding Iran’s nuclear capabilities will move the United States’ position towards Israel’s.

Did the UNHCR Fail Vietnamese Refugees in Hong Kong?

Nicholas Hendry • Jun 29 2012 • Essays

The UNHCR faced a difficult situation in managing Vietnamese refugees in the late 1970s and 80s. Nevertheless, several of the failures were of its own making.

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