
Was the Arab Spring a Regional Response to Globalisation?

Ella Moore • Jul 2 2012 • Essays

The Arab Spring was a series of national responses to anachronistic regimes and domestic conditions catalysed, but not created, by the pressures of globalisation.

History: A Dangerous Weapon in Political Hands?

Chloe Janssen-Lester • Jul 2 2012 • Essays

History, because of the authority with which it is bestowed, is of particular utility for political agents. Invoking the past is a way of evidencing the circumstances of the present.

State Sovereignty in the Post-Cold War era

Nigel Hogan • Jul 1 2012 • Essays

The nature of state sovereignty has altered in the post-Cold War period to reflect a changing global society and that this is for the betterment of global politics and citizens

AIPAC and Iran: Influential or Irrelevant?

Drew Wagstaff • Jul 1 2012 • Essays

The introduction of the AIPAC into the debate surrounding Iran’s nuclear capabilities will move the United States’ position towards Israel’s.

Did the UNHCR Fail Vietnamese Refugees in Hong Kong?

Nicholas Hendry • Jun 29 2012 • Essays

The UNHCR faced a difficult situation in managing Vietnamese refugees in the late 1970s and 80s. Nevertheless, several of the failures were of its own making.

The Retelling of the Story of Ireland and its Implications

Holly Yort • Jun 28 2012 • Essays

History is not only written by the victors but also rewritten, time and time again. A look at a few exemplifying events in the history of Ireland demonstrates how this process can occur.

Human Dignity: A Normative Justification for Human Rights

Mariana Olaizola • Jun 27 2012 • Essays

There is a fundamental moral demand of respect that underlies the conception of human rights. This derives from the inherent dignity of human beings.

China: Peaceful or Menacing?

Andrew Kujala • Jun 27 2012 • Essays

The PLA is the state’s main instrument of war, which means that it is likely to have a considerable impact on whether China is branded ‘peaceful’ or ‘menacing’ by other states.

Mexico: Democracy Without Citizenship?

Philipp Dreyer • Jun 26 2012 • Essays

The relationship between citizenship and the quality of democracy has become an increasing concern to Mexico’s democratic transition.

Know Thy Enemy: Intelligence in COIN Operations

Ryan Aherin • Jun 25 2012 • Essays

An understanding of both military and political intelligence is key to applying the force necessary to neutralize insurgent forces and for a successful COIN strategy.

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