
Is Human Progress Inevitable?

Joe Sutcliffe • May 30 2012 • Essays

Modernisation, development and globalisation are not inevitable and ‘hard work’ to ensure neoliberal globalisation in the global south has not created progress.

Will Sino-U.S. Relations Eventually Lead to War?

George Sims • May 29 2012 • Essays

The relationship between the US and China can be seen as one of opportunity and a cause for concern. Flashpoints like Taiwan, energy acquisition and military capabilities could lead to conflict if left unresolved.

EU Member States and Asylum Policy: Theoretical Approaches

Mallory A. Inzetta • May 28 2012 • Essays

Neither neo-functionalism nor liberal intergovernmentalism provides a superior explanation for why EU member states have ceded some of their sovereignty with regards to asylum policy. Ultimately it is a combination of the two theories that provides the best explanation.

‘New Wars’ and Their Implications For Bosnian Statebuilding

Arne Bartelsman • May 28 2012 • Essays

The recent behaviour of international interveners, shaped by the erroneous theories of ‘new wars’ literature, is not useful in the establishment of a self-sustainable democracy.

The Divisive Nature of Ethnicity in Ugandan Politics, Before and After Independence

Andy Lancaster • May 25 2012 • Essays

Although ethnic divisions were substantiated in a number of different forms, ethnicity was a persistent and divisive force in Ugandan politics, both before and after independence.

Cross-cultural Moral Judgement in a Globalised World

Caroline Wiegand • May 25 2012 • Essays

Differences in moral practices across cultures have led some to question whether there are universal moral principles or whether morality is dependent on a particular culture.

Critiquing the Colour Blind Stance on Racial Politics in New Zealand

Sophie Tapper • May 24 2012 • Essays

In our allegedly ‘post-race’ society, there is growing consensus that the political approach to achieving racial equality should be distinctively colour blind.

Consumer Activism: Reinforcing Moral Identity through Fair Trade Coffee

Pierce Lohman • May 24 2012 • Essays

A consumer’s choice is not limited to quality alone. A consumer activist can strengthen his or her moral identity by buying fair trade goods.

What is the Best Way to Deal With Former Combatants in Order to Ensure Peace?

Phil Brown • May 23 2012 • Essays

Comprehensive reintegration processes are the most advantageous way to deal with former combatants to ensure lasting peace.

The Legacy of Communism in CEE

Billy Marsh • May 23 2012 • Essays

No culture or society can escape the 1989 revolutions; they marked a distinct caesura in International Relations. The states that emerged had to deal with unique circumstances, being geographically located in Europe but politically worlds apart.

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