
How Convincing is the CNN Effect in Explaining Contemporary US Foreign Policy?

Andrew Clarke • Jun 18 2012 • Essays

The CNN Effect is ultimately an outdated thesis, and should be viewed as only one aspect in the conduct of foreign policy.

Are Wars Lost by Politicians or Generals?

Lars Backstrom • Jun 17 2012 • Essays

Politicians lose wars either by setting goals that are not achievable by the means available, or by interfering with the military chain of decision-making.

Strategic Culture and Divergent Security Policies of European States

Frank Komrij • Jun 17 2012 • Essays

The concept of strategic culture is highly useful for explaining the diverging security policies and practices of European states, as it provides a reason why strategic behavior is resistant to change.

Analysing the Depiction and Control of Women’s Participation in Violence

Grace Burton • Jun 17 2012 • Essays

Until gender considerations are taken into account when discussing violence, recognition of women as being capable of rationally undertaking violent action cannot be achieved.

Did Revolution or Regime Implosion End the Soviet Union?

Timothy Frayne • Jun 15 2012 • Essays

The collapse of the USSR was almost entirely based on the ‘regime implosion’ within the CPSU which was ill-prepared for newly introduced reforms and their consequences.

Is the Destruction of Urban Structures a Form of Violence?

Dobromir Zaprianov • Jun 15 2012 • Essays

People live in an environment composed of buildings and structures that represent their identity, collective memory and culture. An attack on that is an attack on people.

Should Politics and Religion be Kept Separate?

Rhia Sharma • Jun 14 2012 • Essays

Many key liberals in political history put forward a strong argument for the separation of religion and politics and many Western countries today abide by this notion.

The Rational Logic Behind North Korea’s Military Diplomacy

Nicholas Lawrence Adams • Jun 14 2012 • Essays

There is a rational logic behind North Korea’s military diplomacy, which intertwines national identity, military first politics, and domestic internal strife under the leadership of the Kim family.

Power-Sharing as a Form of Democratic Development in Zimbabwe and South Sudan

Julian Neal • Jun 13 2012 • Essays

Power-sharing, far from a method aimed solely at conflict resolution, provides ample chance for national political development.

The Arab Spring and a Liberal Analysis of US and EU Foreign Policies

Emina Ademovic • Jun 13 2012 • Essays

The US and EU’s foreign policies towards the Middle East and North Africa are certainly influenced by the Arab Spring. Indeed, the changes taking place in the Arab world must be handled carefully by these powerful actors.

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