
Security and Human Development in Pakistan

Hamza Jehangir • Apr 18 2012 •

Pakistan’s internal and external power relations and its colonial past have led to skewed policy making which prioritises defence expenditure and neglects human development.

The Chicken or the Egg? Causes of the Moldova-Transnistria Conflict

Jonathan C. Lima Matthews • Apr 18 2012 • Essays

Economic, political and social variables were mutually important at the onset of the Moldova-Transnistria Conflict.

China’s Cruise Towards Sea Power

Xu Duo • Apr 17 2012 • Essays

China needs to build up its sea power for the sake of its economic growth, maritime interests and national security. It would do well to learn from Western theories.

Understanding Poverty: the human development approach

Eilidh Mackie • Apr 17 2012 • Essays

The human development approach, underpinned by interdisciplinary capability frameworks, has become one of the prevailing approaches in understanding, evaluating and measuring poverty within the development sector.

Causes of the Sovereign Debt Crisis

Annemarie Detlef • Apr 16 2012 • Essays

The massive amount of debt in Southern European countries is not determined by weakness, corruption, and inabilities to deal with public deficits, but by systemic failures and illnesses.

Jimmy Carter’s Distinctly Average Foreign Policy Record

Jonathan Provan • Apr 14 2012 • Essays

It is time to revisit the foreign policy record of Jimmy Carter, and consider it in the context of both the Cold War and the issue of America’s role in the world.

Deconstructing the Causes of the Iraq War

Lucas Van Milders • Apr 14 2012 •

When asking what has caused a particular war, we are in a way constructing these causes. There are no such things as objective causes but only those that we construct in hindsight; in the future.

The Darfur Crisis: The Role of the USA and the Implications for the ICC

Thomas Hauschildt • Apr 14 2012 • Essays

The ICC’s response to the Darfur crisis was insufficient due to limitations set by the UNSC, but efficiency can be increased by either reforming the framework in which the ICC and the UNSC cooperate, or by the US if it accepts the legitimacy of the ICC.

‘Rising China’: A Threat to International Security?

Neil Renic • Apr 13 2012 • Essays

While uncertainties regarding the future of China are legion, the peaceful integration into the international order of a strengthening and influential China is entirely possible.

The Decline of British Identity

Steve Eldon Kerr • Apr 13 2012 • Essays

The current British government aims to create a British identity from liberal-democratic values. However, values that assert a particular world view cannot unify diverse populations.

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