
State Competition and the Global Politics of Energy

Fehzan Rehman • May 1 2012 •

The case of the US shows that, although markets are important, state competition plays a vital and influential role in the global politics of energy.

Violence against women in Bangladesh

Caroline Wiegand • Apr 30 2012 • Essays

Bangladesh is one of the poorest countries in the world and its estimated prevalence rate of violence against women is extremely high.

The European Union’s Newest State: Iceland?

Peter Sherwood • Apr 30 2012 • Essays

The origins of the Icelandic bid for EU membership lie in a national crisis never before experienced and the purpose of membership remains a hotly disputed topic in the nation of just over 300,000.

A Child’s Search for Freedom in 21st Century America

Ericka Carolina Rodas • Apr 29 2012 • Essays

In the twenty-first century, slavery still exists in the world despite the widely accepted norm of respect for human rights. Why have some states within the United States been more successful in combatting child trafficking than others?

Undermining Security? The Post Cold War Enlargement of NATO

Katharina Remshardt • Apr 29 2012 • Essays

The process of enlargement has been accompanied by a vigorous debate, both within academic and executive circles, especially during the 1990s.

Does Cooperation at the International Level Require Trust?

Lucas Van Milders • Apr 29 2012 • Essays

Trust is a valuable, though elusive, concept in International Politics. It is vital, not only to establish fruitful cooperation, but also because it enables actors to minimize the main feature of this realm: uncertainty.

Healthcare Governance in Britain, Germany and Sweden

Jakob Hauter • Apr 28 2012 • Essays

Structural differences are not the sole explanatory factor in the transformation of healthcare governance. Other factors lead to common trends across very different systems.

Gaining Entrance to the Network City: Harnessing Economic Globalization in London

Connor Lattimer • Apr 28 2012 • Essays

The failure of sustainable business projects in Hackney projects a particular geography to IPE. IPE would engage with conceptions of unevenness through units of analysis concerned with the authority of cities and networks which impact the individual citizen.

Breaking Point: the Future of China’s Economy

Michael Dean Krebs • Apr 27 2012 • Essays

Following the tradition of stability, China has been unable to adequately address the fluxing social changes occurring due to massive sustained economic growth.

Hyper Globalisation, Regionalisation and the Czech Republic

Charlie Smart • Apr 27 2012 • Essays

Globalisation fails to adequately explain the real world situation of the Czech Republic in relation to its interactions with other EU member states and, indeed, other states throughout the world.

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