
A Rousseauian Look at European Integration

Harry Booty • Mar 13 2012 • Essays

One of the many issues Rousseau covered was the idea of international cooperation or even integration, and its suitability to some of the states of Europe.

Is Humanitarian Intervention Ever Morally Justified?

Ahmed Khaled Rashid • Mar 13 2012 • Essays

A framework favouring humanitarian intervention, based on an emerging norm that places victims at the centre of the decision making process is needed.

The Symbolic Politics Theory of Ethnic War

Katherine Green • Mar 13 2012 • Essays

Symbolic politics theory is a more accurate account of ethnic conflict. It attributes the outbreak of extreme violence to both elite politics and the socialization of competing identities.

The Foreign Affairs Select Committee and UK Foreign Policy

Tom Pettinger • Mar 11 2012 • Essays

The FAC is powerless compared to other committees; although most recommendations are taken on, many are weak and unsubstantial.

Can International Law Lead to a Fundamental Transformation of Politics?

Matthew Saayman • Mar 9 2012 • Essays

Realists maintain that international law cannot radically alter the behaviour of states; it cannot satisfy the unyielding thirst for power. This paper will begin by examining the realist view of neutrality in international law, after which it will provide two alternative viewpoints.

Is the United States a ‘Neocon Nation’?

Jonathan Provan • Mar 9 2012 • Essays

America is a not ‘neocon nation’, but rather an idealist nation in a realist world: the US does pursue the extension of liberal capitalist democracy, but this idealistic goal must be reconciled with the realities of international politics.

Violently Repressive Authoritarian Regimes and Legitimacy

Samantha K. Lee • Mar 9 2012 • Essays

Any government, even a violently repressive authoritarian one, can be legitimate given that its people believe it to be so.

Development and Geopolitics in East Asia

James Newman • Mar 8 2012 • Essays

Whilst the developmental state approach contributed to economic growth in South Korea, it cannot provide a model that can be applied elsewhere.

Does Nationalism Facilitate Order and Justice?

Nadia Vittoria • Mar 7 2012 • Essays

Nationalism, as a concept, ultimately fails to facilitate order and justice in international society because of its inherently volatile and unpredictable nature.

Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers and African Developmental States

Kathryn Brunton • Mar 6 2012 • Essays

Although the participatory approach is essential to development in its aims, its application through the PRSP initiative needs reworking.

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