
Determinants of Attitudes on Immigration in Canada and France

Dylan White • Feb 22 2012 • Essays

There is little comparative academic work on public perceptions of immigration. Canada perennially scores highly, while France fares poorly.

European Unity in the Post Cold War Era

Ben Bradley • Feb 22 2012 • Essays

The EU has gone further than ever before to ensure the future of Europe as an economic union and, whilst they are some way behind, political and social integration is also now a key part of its structure.

Democratic Peacebuilding in Iraq

Matthew Saayman • Feb 20 2012 • Essays

The chances of Iraq sustaining its fragile democracy are grim. However, manipulating religious and ethnic groups into favourable behaviour, may lead to peace.

Realism, Liberalism and the Possibilities of Peace

Hamza Jehangir • Feb 19 2012 • Essays

Theories of peace and war have been central to cognitive exercises considering human nature and its applications, and are as relevant today as they ever have been when considering the actions of nation-states.

The Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and US use of Military Force

Benaisha Daruwalla • Feb 18 2012 • Essays

The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have diminished America’s willingness to deploy traditional methods of force whilst simultaneously increasing its willingness to utilise new, technologically advanced methods

The Democratic Peace Theory

Kevin Placek • Feb 18 2012 • Essays

The global spread of democracy will result in greater international peace if this occurs in parallel with the strengthening of economic interdependence and international organisations.

Post-war European Integration: How We Got Here

Ben Bradley • Feb 15 2012 • Essays

The principal factors driving European integration were the desire for internal stability, the need to project a significant voice on an international stage, and the external security concern of Communism perched on Europe’s eastern doorstep.

Protecting Human Rights while Countering Terrorism

Salma Yusuf • Feb 14 2012 • Essays

While the United Nations human rights treaty monitoring bodies have contributed to the upholding of human rights in the face of a ‘new brand’ of terrorism and counter-terrorism, the challenges they face make their task daunting, now more than ever.

Does money equal power in American politics?

Derek McKenna • Feb 14 2012 • Essays

The power of capital is the same now as it was long ago and will be the same in the future as long as democracy is twinned with the capitalist mode of production where wealth and power is concentrated in the hands of a minority.

Why Do New Democracies Not Choose First Past the Post?

Tom Pettinger • Feb 9 2012 • Essays

New democracies can achieve their primary objectives of inclusiveness and compromise much more effectively with proportional representation or mixed systems.

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