
The Possible Martian Order: Extension or Rejection of Earth’s Systems?

Prateek Raj Joshi • Oct 3 2021 • Essays

Applying different theories of international relations, we can explore the differences that might emerge in a political system on human-settled Mars compared to that on Earth.

Integrating under Threat: A Balance-of-threat Account of European Integration

Michal Šenk • Sep 22 2021 • Essays

History has shown that the process of European integration is not simple. It is a mixture of ebbs and flows related to perceptions of political and military threats.

Around the World in 80 Stereotypes: Images of the MENA Region in Hollywood

Anna Roberts • Sep 21 2021 • Essays

This study of MENA representation in Hollywood (2001-2008) finds foreign-accented English and multilingualism were most often associated with negative motivations.

Beyond the Race-neutrality of Prevent: White Britain and the Racialised Threat

Emily Collins • Sep 20 2021 • Essays

Resisting exclusionary practices of the UK’s counter-terror strategy, Prevent, is key to destabilising its white supremacist state power and racist logics.

China’s Increasing Influence in the Middle East

Suhail Ahmad Khan • Sep 20 2021 • Essays

China has strengthened its foothold in the Middle East in the 21st century by improving economic and diplomatic relations with the region in pursuit of a number of policy objectives.

Power-sharing in Iraq as a Model for Afghanistan?

Mary Brace • Sep 11 2021 • Essays

Looking to Iraq as an example, Afghanistan should be wary of formalizing consociational arrangements as the Taliban reintegrate into Afghan society.

Breaking and Entering: Subverting Sovereignty Despite the International System

Harsha Daswani • Sep 8 2021 • Essays

Intervention and sovereignty are both important and contradictory components of the international system. Yet despite principles of state sovereignty, international state interventions remain prevalent.

Shifting Hegemony: China’s Challenge to U.S. Hegemony During COVID-19

Lior Hamovitz • Sep 7 2021 • Essays

COVID-19 has shed a light on China’s leadership and governance model as a tool to undermine the American position within the international system.

The Bush Administration’s Invasion of Iraq: A Case of Ontological Insecurity?

Ayman Triki • Sep 7 2021 • Essays

By creating new threats to generate both international and domestic purpose, ontological insecurity was integral to the US decision to invade Iraq in 2003.

My Big Fat Greek Diaspora: Greek-American Diaspora Diplomacy

Maria Ravazoula • Sep 5 2021 • Essays

Even though early attempts largely failed, Greek-Americans approached the US polity to promote the political objectives in a process described 40 years later as diaspora diplomacy.

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