
The EU in Foreign Policy; a Military or Civilian Power?

Andrew Cheetham • Feb 6 2012 • Essays

The EU is not currently a military power, despite recent developments. Nor will it be without a standing army or a centralised command structure.

The Growing Power of Transnational Social Movements: The Cautionary Case of Darfur

Kathryn Brunton • Feb 3 2012 • Essays

This paper looks to deconstruct the foundations, structure and impacts of the Save Darfur movement. Although the movement achieved some monumental successes, it also served to severely undermine peace efforts and reinforce African dependencies

The Primacy of Structural Violence in Sub-Saharan Africa

Robin Clempson • Feb 1 2012 • Essays

1946-2002 saw 47 civil wars in sub–Saharan Africa. While structural violence plays its role, there are other factors to consider.

Humanitarian Intervention: An Exploration of its Justification and Best Practices

Joshua Matthewman • Jan 30 2012 • Essays

The use of humanitarian intervention remains haphazard and has been unjustly and incorrectly criticized as illegitimate and ineffective.

Securitising The Environment: A Barrier To Combating Environment Degradation Or A Solution In Itself?

Parmila Kumari • Jan 29 2012 • Essays

Securitising environmental issues can aid in combating environmental degradation, by gaining the attention of high-level decision makers and enabling mobilisation of resources towards a solution. However if the focus of security remains on the state, securitisation is likely to cause problems as well as solve them.

The Evolving Normative Context and IDPs: An Application of R2P?

Sarah Torki • Jan 28 2012 • Essays

The Responsibility to Protect is said to ‘hold the potential to unblock and unlock persistent gaps in the protection of IDPs’. But the political as well as practical obstacles characterizing the international system are too important for IDPs to look at this concept for their protection.

Can We Simply “Add Gender” To Other International Relations Theories?

Sana Azad Rasoul • Jan 28 2012 • Essays

Feminist understandings cannot be viewed as mere supplements to the more classical paradigms because of the epistemological and ontological variations at work.

Islam and Immigration in French Society

Marcela Schaefer • Jan 28 2012 • Essays

Despite the rising attention from politicians and the media, Islam is not a threat to French society. Rather, Islam is but one of several prominent religions in France and one that is contributing to the ever-changing French culture.

Turning “Fortress Europe” Inside Out: Bordering Practices and the EU’s External Border

Gabrielle Tétrault-Farber • Jan 26 2012 • Essays

The external border of the EU has become dispersed within and beyond its territory, blurring the territorial scope of sovereign prerogatives.

1946: A Year of Ideological Preconceptions

Brendan Thomas-Noone • Jan 25 2012 • Essays

The view that the Truman administration took in the lead up to, and during, the critical year of 1946 consequently affected the government’s actions when dealing with the Soviet Union.

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