
Is EU accession confirming Poland’s return to Europe?

Anders Knut Brudevoll • Oct 1 2011 • Essays

Since Poland gained its independence in1989, economic development and modernization has been a driving factor for reforms. As EU at the time was closely associated with democratic stability and the prosperity enjoyed in Western Europe, membership became a vital step in the pursuit to attain Western level of welfare and prosperity.

Soft and Normative Power: The Power of Attraction in International Politics

Zohir Uddin • Oct 1 2011 • Essays

The strength and spread of cultural interactions between different governments and different people’s will reduce the likelihood of war between nations. As globalization takes its seat as the world’s ruling party, the international system will become a single yet vibrant meeting place.

Making It Happen: A Global Civil Society

Alexandra Matei • Oct 1 2011 • Essays

A global civil society is not a plan in itself, nor is it a new or futuristic idea. Yet, is part of a greater restructuring of the international system and of our world order. Consequently, as philosophers before our times rightfully attested, the global civil society was founded not merely to preserve the lives of its members; but so that they might live well.

Is the factor of economic decline sufficient to explain UK defence policy after 1945?

Adam Moreton • Sep 29 2011 • Essays

Economics have a profound influence on defence policy regardless of country. One merely needs to observe the debates on expenditure today for a look at how even a superpower like the United State’s armed forces is constrained by defence budgets. While the same holds true for the UK, it has been more noticeable since 1945 with Britain’s declining power and prestige.

The China-ROK Relationship: A Blueprint for China on a Wider Stage?

Scott Adam • Sep 29 2011 • Essays

China’s growing influence in the international system is receiving a lot of attention, both positive and negative. In some quarters, China’s ‘rise’ is complete. This growth is especially felt in North East Asia. Therefore, the Republic of Korea needs to take great interest in China’s future role on the regional and global stage, concerning it’s relations with its northern neighbour as well as their close cooperation with the US.

Maritime Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific Region

Wang Yinghui • Sep 28 2011 • Essays

Every country must realize that good maritime order is a public good and a common resource, and it is obligatory to make concerted efforts. A country should understand that self-interest and evading multilateral initiatives are “beggar thy neighbor” behaviors, and will not only cause damaging effects by being self-serving, but in the end will damage its own interests as well.

Of Regional Complexes and Global Powers: The Power Capacity of the EU

Paul Pryce • Sep 27 2011 • Essays

The EU is already the hegemon within its geographic region but to be considered a credible actor in international affairs it needs to stabilize regimes in its neighbourhood more rapidly and successfully than competitors like China and India can manage in their own regions.

A critique of the theory and practice of R2P

Nicholas Glover • Sep 27 2011 •

The R2P is heralded by many as making political power more responsible and accountable, both to the domestic citizenry and ‘international community’. It has sought to democratise humanitarian intervention in a way which reconceptualises sovereignty as responsibility and looks to protect the ‘victim other’ from imminent mass death at the hands of irresponsible state power.

European Union Democracy Promotion in the Mediterranean Arena

Robert May • Sep 27 2011 • Essays

The actions of the EU in promoting democracy in third countries need to be examined in greater detail. The tangible support (financial, logistical or otherwise) the EU gives to pro-democracy social movements can help us assess just how much the EU acts, or is limited in acting, to promote democracy abroad. In short, if the EU gives direct, meaningful support to such social movements, it could be said to have stopped ‘philosophizing’ and begun to act.

The Theory of Structure: An Analysis

Elizabeth Pickworth • Sep 26 2011 • Essays

Structure is an anomaly in the field of IR largely because of the nature of its constituent components. Practices of social production and reproduction are not difficult to locate if you relay the relevant evidence, contrary to this idea. The concept continues to be open to wide interpretation, as shown by the respective approaches of Alexander Wendt and Kenneth Waltz.

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