
Does positivism really ‘work’ in the social sciences?

Thomas Houghton • Sep 26 2011 • Essays

Although positivism has evolved over the years, at its core several key aspects have remained constant. It is based on a foundationalist ontology, that is, one in which the world exists independently of our knowledge of it, and at its heart is the promise of unambiguous and accurate knowledge of the world which can be arrived at through sensory experience.

Community Based NGOs in Grassroots Peacebuilding and Reconciliation in Northern Ireland

Peter McFarlane • Sep 24 2011 • Essays

Northern Ireland has a long way to come before it can be labelled peaceful. The fragmented nature of its society indicates that we cannot speak of two monolithic communities at all. They are divided within themselves along attitudinal, class, and educational lines, while different experiences of the Troubles have shaped their needs.

A Comparison between the Indian Navy and the Japanese Navy

Wang Yinghui • Sep 23 2011 • Essays

Both Japan and India are major regional maritime powers in the Asia-Pacific region. Both of their navies are growing in potency and have the ambition to dominate the region, and to become “blue-water” navies which can operate in the high seas. The continued rise of China in naval power introduces a further element into the analysis.

How did international power relations contribute to the Third World debt crisis?

James Newman • Sep 21 2011 • Essays

It’s widely agreed that the Third World Debt crisis began in Mexico in 1982 sparking a chain reaction across Latin America, Africa and Eastern Europe. Domestic factors such as capital flight and corruption played a part but the main cause can be traced to the US and the rise of interest rates in 1979.

The Israel Lobby and the U.S. National Interest

anon • Sep 21 2011 • Essays

Mearsheimer and Walt’s illustration of the Israel lobby has led to a wide debate on the the domestic influences on foreign policy. Their thesis exaggerates the ability of interest groups to divert foreign policy, and their notion of national interest can be criticised as not in line with those who make foreign policy.

The Rise of Radical Islam and Effectiveness of Counter-Terrorism in a Global Age

Zaki Mehta • Sep 20 2011 • Essays

The ever growing problems and the struggle to fight terrorism comes from many factors; the lack of understanding radical Islam as opposed to moderate Islam, the alienation of the vast Muslim populations, continued unpopular foreign policies and the War on Terror with its death and destruction imposed in many Islamic states.

Should Official Development Assistance be used to combat radicalisation?

James Robertson • Sep 19 2011 • Essays

Official Development Assistance (ODA) is viewed as an important tool in the fight against terrorism, yet this approach is fundamentally flawed and has resulted in the adoption of policies which have done little to combat radicalisation, but have severely hampered the provision of aid to those who need it.

Is the Cuban problem fading away with the ageing Castro regime?

Benedict Hayes • Sep 18 2011 • Essays

US attempts at regime change in Cuba have inadvertently created a martyr for anti-imperialist and anti-capitalist movements. Fidel Castro shall continue to play an important role in US-Latin American relations long after his death, with the regime standing as a focal anti-US hub in Latin America.

Deconstructing the myth: A study of Irish neutrality, 1939-1973

Eugene Quinn • Sep 16 2011 • Essays

Ireland’s perceived neutrality is a myth not sufficiently examined by theorists, politicians or the public, an illusion that has become a widely accepted ‘reality’. Study of Ireland’s foreign policy from the 1930s through to the 1970s shows two key strands guiding decision-making, blending ideology with diplomatic pragmatism.

Third Party Intervention in Ethnic Conflict

Thomas Houghton • Sep 16 2011 • Essays

This essay is concerned with the motivations that drive states to intervene, and argues that their actions are never wholly disinterested. The scope of this essay will be limited to interventions which third-parties have justified on humanitarian grounds, looking in particular at the case of the NATO intervention in Kosovo in 1999.

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