
International Intervention in Croatia during the Yugoslav Wars

Julie Malá • Sep 16 2011 • Essays

This essay examines the international intervention in Croatia, arguing that while Western powers did achieve some minor victories, international diplomacy failed to accomplish its main objectives and in several cases even exacerbated the violence and disintegration in Croatia.

Somaliland: a modern state minus international recognition?

Bethany Brady • Sep 15 2011 • Essays

Does Somaliland exhibit modern state qualities? Are we witnessing the development of a ‘beacon of light’ in an otherwise war-torn area of Africa? Or is this an overly positive analysis, resulting in an idealistic, rather than realistic, approach to the problematic of statehood in the region?

How can the media be successfully used for peacebuilding?

Maite Vermeulen • Sep 14 2011 • Essays

Access to information is a vital building block for lasting peace, yet media interventions are not a ‘quick fix’. While they may not be able to solve conflicts, there is certainly an important role for them in spurring debate, reconciling communities and changing behaviour towards peacebuilding.

British Diplomacy and Iranian Angst: British Iranian Relations, 1973 -1979

Hugo Jackson • Sep 14 2011 • Essays

The Iranian pre-disposition to distrust the British has been referred to widely in both primary and secondary sources, yet has not been rigorously analysed in either its manifestations of effects. This essay will examine the effect of this cultural trait on the last six years of the reign of Mohammed Reza Shah, and on the conduct of British foreign policy during that period.

All That Works Is Obsolete: The Shortcomings of US COIN That Must Be Addressed

Wiliam Thomson • Sep 13 2011 • Essays

The western way of war, in which conflict is politics/policy by other means, need not be the only lens through which the military understands problems, even if it remains the only lens through which it operates. Insurgencies are not fought simply for political reasons but also for intractable social and cultural reasons, and this lesson must be further examined and understood.

Awash with green: tackling the environment commercially

Kieran Ford • Sep 13 2011 • Essays

The primary method of globally managing environmental issues is through the use of carbon trading. This has resulted from the hegemonic success of the ecological modernisation discourse – a discourse immortalised in the Brundtland report in 1987.

Para-diplomatic theory and Welsh external relations

Andrew Bolan • Sep 13 2011 • Essays

Sub-national politics is playing an ever more significant role in the way international policy is developed. Para-diplomatic theory provides a compelling thesis in describing the National Assembly for Wales on the international stage. The development of the Welsh Assembly since devolution in forwarding Welsh culture, language, and economic prosperity can be seen as a significant example of sub-state growth.

Civil-Military Relations in Afghanistan

George Bragg • Sep 11 2011 • Essays

NGOs have been voicing concerns that the military have intruded into their domain by conducting short term aid work and long term ‘hearts and minds’ projects that have blurred the lines between aid workers and military troops. This has had worrying consequences for humanitarianism.

How important is an actor’s identity in understanding global politics today?

Michael Bolt • Sep 11 2011 • Essays

This essay will argue that an actor’s identity is integral in understanding global politics today, with identity helping to shape and drive an actor’s interests as well as their interpretation and response to events. Moreover, identity is critical to how other actors respond to them and their actions.

South-South Cooperation Development Strategies for Rural Renewable Energy

Natasha Roberts • Sep 9 2011 • Essays

At the root of poverty, lies a lack of access to modern energy. Most of the Millennium Development Goals cannot be fulfilled without first meeting the energy needs of the 1.6 billion people without access to modern energy services. How could South-South Cooperation initiatives help to overcome this problem?

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