
What is the terrorist threat in cyber-space?

Ross Hall • Jul 26 2011 • Essays

The typical approaches to warfare, force, offence, defence and deterrence, do not necessarily cross over into cyber conflicts, be they for cyber warfare or countering cyber-terrorism. The world of network interactions changes the rules of the game, where the attackers can more easily remain anonymous, and the targets can be anything that is on an open network.

Is Israel’s policy of targeted killing synonymous with assassination? Can it be legally or morally justified?

Frances Deft • Jul 25 2011 • Essays

Israel is often criticized for its policy of targeted killing, which has escalated following the breakdown of Israeli-Palestinian communications of October 2000. Although Israel defends this policy, claiming that it can be both legally and morally justified, it has failed to provide an adequate definition.

Can nationalism be understood as a cause of ethnic conflict?

Anna Costa • Jul 25 2011 • Essays

What is it that makes divisions along ethnic lines salient to forms of opposition that can degenerate into levels of violence as extreme as genocide? What made the peaceful multi-ethnic neighborhoods of Sarajevo turn into battlefields? The short answer is the politicization of ethnicity and ethnic diversity.

The Question of Identity: The EU/Turkey Integration Debate

Tom Dixon • Jul 21 2011 • Essays

The eastward expansion of the EU has shown the flexibility of what is European. The future integration of Turkey is the next step towards increasing recognition that the values that unite Europe are indeed universal, and that therefore, European identity cannot be culturally or territorially bounded.

The Functions of Diplomacy

anon • Jul 20 2011 • Essays

Throughout the course of history diplomacy has been a paramount element in the upkeep of peace and in the creation of positive change. Without diplomacy much of the world’s affairs, and organizations, would not exist. There are many examples of how diplomacy has affected countries, and even individual citizens.

Why are Nuclear Weapons So Appealing to Nation-States in the 21st Century?

James Chisem • Jul 20 2011 • Essays

In an anarchical system, for large states, indebted to a Cold War strategic culture, nuclear armaments offer the capacity to irrationalise major inter-state war, therefore creating the foundations for great-power peace and stability. Similarly it gives small states the ultimate life insurance, allowing them to defy the preponderance of more powerful nations.

The perilous path of the UNHCR

Caroline Rushingwa • Jul 19 2011 • Essays

In the absence of a more autonomous political and resource base for the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), there will continue to be a limit in the effectiveness of its response to refugee crises and its ability to check host countries that do not comply with agreements to protect the human rights of refugees.

‘Another false dawn for Africa?’ An assessment of NEPAD

Zeynep Bostan • Jul 19 2011 • Essays

NEPAD is an ambitious project which attempts to deal with a wide range of issues that are crucially important forAfrica’s improvement. This essay will begin with a description of NEPAD and refer to the previous attempts with same objectives. Afterwards, it will discuss the components of NEPAD mentioning the strengths and weaknesses of them.

Who is a South African? Interrogating Africanness and Afro-phobia

Vineet Thakur • Jul 18 2011 • Essays

The end of Apartheid created the need for a new identity in South Africa. The Post-Apartheid regime thus was always clamoring to bring South Africa back to Africa. Under this pursuit, Africanness became the defining feature of the new identity discourse in South Africa. Simultaneous to this, xenophobia against foreigner Africans emerged potently as a counter-discourse to Africanness.

United Nations Peacekeeping and the Question of Reform

Evan Ritli • Jul 18 2011 • Essays

Since the first peacekeeping operation was deployed some sixty years ago, peacekeeping has developed to become one of the most important areas of UN responsibility. The rapid growth of UN peacekeeping has meant that this development has often happened in an ad hoc and relatively unguided manner. As a result mistakes and failures have occurred.

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