
Colonialism, Lebanon and the Middle East

Evan Ritli • Jul 5 2011 • Essays

Many of the recent uprisings in the Middle East have been in reaction to political systems and traditions which can be traced back to the colonial period. This is very much the case with the protests against Confessionalism in Lebanon. Although colonial rule has ended, its legacy continues in contemporary Middle Eastern politics.

“Hopenhagen” to “Nopenhagen”? The Role of Public Expectation at the Copenhagen Summit.

Martin Mark Jones • Jul 3 2011 • Essays

It can be said that the expectations at COP15 were not so high that they were unattainable. However, domestic pressures in key countries, procedural difficulties, insufficient pre-cooking and the “ClimateGate” scandal certainly played a role in why a comprehensive agreement was not reached.

Was the European student movement of the 1960s a global phenomenon?

Angeliki Mitropoulou • Jul 2 2011 • Essays

The anti-conformist student movement was indeed a global phenomenon, even though there are still some sociologists that support the idea that the protests were only movements of university students, and small minorities of young people that had little to do with higher education.

Realism and Liberalism in International Relations

Bea Kylene Jumarang • Jul 2 2011 • Essays

The debate continues as to which school of International Relations remains the most relevant and timely with regards to the interpretation of the international system. Some will always say realism is politics as it is while liberalism is an example of politics idealized. Perhaps the true path lies in combination.

Climate Related Natural Disasters and the Onset of Civil Conflict: 1970-2008

Tom McKim • Jul 1 2011 • Essays

Since the end of the Cold War, research into the causes of civil conflict has intensified dramatically as scholars, policy makers, and NGOs have come to recognise the tremendous human toll they exact. Almost completely absent from civil war literature is the impact that natural disasters may have on the likelihood of conflict.

Nuclear Proliferaiton in the Middle East: the Iran-Israel Problem

Katy Pell • Jul 1 2011 •

A nuclear Iran will go one of two ways. It will either have no obvious effect, the weapon won’t be used for fear of repercussion yet conventional wars will continue; a stalemate. Or, the Middle East will face the prospect of a complete breakdown as either Iran is pre-empted, Israel feels cornered by the likely arms race or technology is leaked; the only recourse available will be war.

Women’s Security in Afghanistan

Jessica Boddington • Jun 30 2011 • Essays

This essay argues that neo-colonialist discourses were present within the U.S. at the time of the Afghanistan War and served to demonise and essentialise Islamic culture in general, whilst removing from debate the historical political landscape of Afghanistan. Such historical accounts are essential to understand the roots of women’s insecurity in the nation, which persist to this day.

American Federalism and Post-1997 Devolution in Britain

Louie Woodall • Jun 30 2011 • Essays

The amalgamation of state and federal powers, the increased capacity of the central government to control the states through grants and mandates and the growing convergence of central and peripheral policy are all features of the competitive interdependence form of federalism that can be seen reflected in the new devolved British governmental structure.

The role of nationalism in Iran during the 20th century

Asma Ali Farah • Jun 30 2011 • Essays

Nationalism only really played a crucial role in Iran regarding the ever present spectre of foreign encroachment within the country, firstly by the British, and subsequently by America and others. The desire to end this state of affairs was a powerful uniting force that rallied everyone under the banner of nationalism.

The 21st Century Challenges to Article 51

Flavio Paioletti • Jun 30 2011 • Essays

A narrow application of Article 51 would allow keeping control on unilateral use of force, at least given the awareness by states of the political costs of unlawful actions. Widening the scope of self-defence could bring the erosion of the basic purpose of the UN Charter regime, i.e. the ban of military force in inter-state relations and the promotion of peace.

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