
The Implications of Stabilisation Logic in UN Peacekeeping: The Context of MINUSMA

Jemma Challenger • Apr 10 2021 • Essays

UN peacekeeping’s assimilation of counterterrorism rhetoric has incentivised self-interested European military contributions to the UN mission in Mali.

Global Cybersecurity Governance Is Fragmented – Get over It

Emma Sandvik Ling • Apr 10 2021 • Essays

Fragmentation in global security governance is normal and inevitable. In fact, the focus should shift to finding means of increasing and ensuring stability in cyberspace.

To What Extent Can History Be Used to Predict the Future in Colombia?

William Holmes • Apr 8 2021 • Essays

A careful examination of the roles of narrative and academic history 20th century Colombian politics is essential to charting Colombia’s present trajectory.

Earth, Water, Air & Gas: The Four Elements of Turkish Geopolitics

Irini Iacovidou • Apr 7 2021 • Essays

Turkey has spawned its web into four geopolitical elements: earth, water, air and gas. This essay contextualises Turkish geopolitics in the south-eastern Mediterranean.

Is Security Possible? The Use of Face Coverings to Reduce Transmission of Covid-19

Olivia Foster-Wakeling • Apr 5 2021 • Essays

Securitisation Theory provides a lens by which the UK and US governments’ advocacy of wearing face coverings to prevent the transmission of Covid-19 can be contrasted.

How Helpful is ‘Effective Altruism’ as an Approach to Increasing Global Justice?

Ailie Ross-Oliver • Apr 5 2021 • Essays

Effective altruism fails to acknowledge the systemic nature of injustice and encourages the use of financial-based solutions, undermining efforts to tackle injustice.

Whose Statebuilding? Western Ideology at the Core of Statebuilding Operations

Gizem Yurtseven • Apr 1 2021 • Essays

Statebuilding is a challenging terrain in which Western normative vision of statehood and lack of local ownership contribute to its failure.

Do Colonialism and Slavery Belong to the Past? The Racial Politics of COVID-19

Erica Smith • Mar 30 2021 • Essays

The context of the COVID-19 pandemic and conceptualizations of post-positivist theory clearly show that colonial logic is still endemic in the 2020s.

Climate Security in the United States and Australia: A Human Security Critique

Dona Toyesha Tusharansi Padukkage • Mar 27 2021 • Essays

Climate change should be explicitly recognised by states as an existential threat to human security and related measures should immediately be implemented.

Terrorism in the North Caucasus: The Endurance of Russian and Chechen Tactics

Luke Seminara • Mar 23 2021 • Essays

The history of the Chechen-Russian conflict provides a hint toward the tactics that may be employed should violent hostilities emerge again.

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