
Canadian Television Sitcom as a Site of Public Pedagogy

Siyin Liang • Jun 7 2021 • Essays

Media has the power to challenge cultural consumers’ assumptions about structural power relations through informal learning.

Filling the Gap: The Moral Purpose of the State and the Duty to Intervene

Joost Hendrik Pietschmann • Jun 6 2021 • Essays

A constructivist understanding of human rights explains sovereignty as a state’s responsibility to protect its citizens and leads to a duty to intervene internationally.

Exploring Stratification Economics’ Neglect of Intersectionality

Jodie Bradshaw • Jun 2 2021 • Essays

This essay challenges the assumption that identities are fixed, linking gendered and racial binaries to the economic development of Australia with a postcolonial lens.

IR Theory and The Ontological Depth of the Material-Ideational Debate

Alfredo Castro Moreira • May 31 2021 • Essays

Ideational factors are fundamental in most explanations of international politics, with both rationalists and constructivists referring to them frequently.

The Tension Between National Energy Sovereignty and Intra-European Solidarity

Catharina Savelkoul • May 25 2021 • Essays

Diverging energy dependency and bilateral agreements between the EU’s member states and Russia hinder its ability to project foreign energy policy as a unified body.

The Mediator’s Trap: Dayton’s Cultural Negligence for a Culture of Peace

Mauro ter Heyne • May 24 2021 • Essays

Incorporating socio-cultural dimensions is essential to stimulate tacit reconciliation in deep-rooted identity conflicts such as in Bosnia.

Failed States and Terrorism: Engaging the Conventional Wisdom

Luigi Paoli Puccetti • May 22 2021 • Essays

Failing states present favorable conditions for the settlement of terrorist groups but do not necessarily entail a casual link with terrorism.

Pinkwashing the Occupation: Narratives of Interracial Gay Relations in Israeli Film

Roni Zahavi-Brunner • May 18 2021 • Essays

Palestinian-Israeli gay relations depicted in Israeli cinema serve to pinkwash, or use liberal queer ideology, to diminish the violent occupation of Palestine.

Bargaining for Protection – the Case of Climate Refugees

Zuza Nazaruk • May 18 2021 • Essays

The lack of an international consensus on climate refugees and the power of humanitarian aid determine the status and movement of such refugees across states.

The BRICS Bloc: A Pound-for-Pound Challenger to Western Dominance?

Nazrul Nazri • May 18 2021 • Essays

Backed by economic advancement and the rise of China, the collective power of BRICS and its regional influence could grow to challenge Western domination in the future.

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