
Conceptualising Europe’s Market Power: EU Geostrategic Goals Through Economic Means

Simon Pompé • Mar 23 2021 • Essays

Due to its economic weight, the assumption of the EU’s predominant economic power is logical. This applies even in security issues such as the Ukraine conflict.

Three Lessons for the Intra-Afghan Talks, Courtesy of Iraqi Power-Sharing

Colm Trant • Mar 20 2021 • Essays

Three interrelated components of power-sharing in Afghanistan must be addressed to avoid an unstable experience: accommodation, comprehensiveness, and commitment.

A Review of Critical Race Theory’s Critiques of Mainstream IR

Julia Carreiro Rolim • Mar 20 2021 • Essays

The racist history of anarchy and sovereignty are obscured due to the high levels of abstraction and the value-neutrality embedded in mainstream theories.

Female Genital Cutting in Africa: The West and the Politics of ‘Empowerment’

Amy Knox • Mar 19 2021 • Essays

Western models of empowerment bring only one dimension of gendered power and agency that are unlikely to have the same purchase in the Female Genital Cutting context.

The Securitization of Christianity under Xi Jinping

Zeger Franciscus Glas • Mar 11 2021 • Essays

Through a securitization framework, it is argued Xi’s administration is attempting to present Christianity as an existential threat to national unity and social order.

Rogue Relations under Max-Pressure: Iran-Venezuela Bilateral Engagement 2013–2020

Josh Chang • Mar 8 2021 • Essays

Comparing Iran-Venezuela leaders’ meetings shows that the US maximum pressure campaign against the two states has created an alliance around anti-Americanism.

The Changing Face of Military Assistance and Techniques of Informal Penetration

Sidney P. Williams • Mar 8 2021 • Essays

Case evidence from Colombia and Somalia shows how American military aid has negatively effected both conflict termination and de-escalatory objectives.

On the Ontological Existence of States: A Comparison Between Countries and Anthills

Niels Verster • Mar 4 2021 • Essays

There is noteworthy potential in recognizing that the state is an important, stand-alone concept within IR theory, deserving of its own, separate analysis.

The Middle East: An Orientalist Creation

Arwa Syed • Feb 25 2021 • Essays

The Middle East can be understood as an imperial invention–created by European colonial powers–by exploring historic and contemporary orientalist policies in the region.

Understanding Power in Counterinsurgency: A Case Study of the Soviet-Afghanistan War

Marnix Middelburg • Feb 25 2021 • Essays

To be successful, counterinsurgency operations must expand beyond a solely militaristic conception of power to include soft power and popular support.

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