
The Impact of Identity and Historical Context on the Thought of Hans J. Morgenthau.

Sebastiano Sali • May 28 2010 • Essays

This paper emphasises the importance of Morgenthau’s German-Jewish identity set against the particular social background in which he began to develop his thought. It seeks to highlight the impact which these factors had on the development and evolution of some important elements of Morgenthau’s work.

Deterrence and Terrorism in the Modern Era

Alistair Nason • May 24 2010 • Essays

The efficacy and applicability of deterrence depends on the broader question of how one conceptualises and defines terrorism, and whether one deems terrorism insurmountable and ‘evil’ or recognises root causes, legitimate grievances and pathways to accommodation.

The EU strategy towards the Developing World

Fiona Cumberland • May 21 2010 • Essays

The African, Caribbean, and Pacific states-European Union Partnership Agreement, known as the Cotonou Agreement, is a partnership in name, but arguably not in nature.

Assessing the Arguments For and Against Nuclear Proliferation

anon • May 20 2010 • Essays

Nuclear Proliferation is both an enduring critical matter in international security and a source of heated debate amongst the various ideological schools of thought in international relations. Although specific disputes can be assessed based upon which one is side is more effective with their argument, the general debate is much more ambiguous.

Deterrence in Counter Terrorism

Benjamin Darnell • May 19 2010 • Essays

Despite being theorised during the Cold War, deterrence continues to play a central role in informing the state’s military and judicial responses. Nevertheless, while denial and punishment strategies may yield short-term benefits, such policies have proven unable to remedy the issue of terrorism in the longer term. Only by engaging with the socio-political contexts from which terrorism emerges and draws its support can counter-terrorism effectively seek to prevent terrorism.

9/11, the War on Terror, and ‘Halo’

David Sykes • May 18 2010 • Essays

This essay will focus on the science-fiction ‘Halo’ series of video games to show how mediation, remediation, and hypermediation has significant political, ethical and moral influences on its audience in relation to the War on Terror. Botler and Grusin’s ‘Remediation: Understanding New Media’ will be drawn upon to describe how this colourful, futuristic ‘space opera’ depicting an interstellar conflict for the fate of humanity has a constructive role in creating a post-9/11 American identity and morality.

Theories of International Political Economy

Timothy Adam Chuter • May 18 2010 • Essays

If we can permit the possibility that individuals may seek to re-secure their instrumental and normative concerns outside of their existing political, economic and social context, securing their identity in the future rather than the past, then we cannot deny the promise of the rational choice framework for understanding and action. Identities need not be assumed or inter-subjectively constructed; they may simply be made of our dreams and convictions.

Changing Cordoba: An Essay on the first Cordoban Caliph

Dominik Cholewski • May 17 2010 • Essays

The second Umayyad Caliphate faced many struggles during its time in the Iberian Peninsula, from internal power conflicts among Muslim factions to the external pressures from the Christian north. ‘Abd al-Rahman III upheld the faith of Islam at a time when all seemed hopeless and was able to restore the Umayyad emirate to its previous stature as the Umayyad Caliphate, and himself to God’s representative on earth.

Does Regionalism challenge Globalisation, or build on it?

Mareike Oldemeinen • May 13 2010 • Essays

In a world where the concepts of Globalisation and Regionalism both seem to gain more and more power, it was only a matter of time until the relationship between those two seemingly contradictory processes would become the issue of discussion. What Andrew Hurrell has called the “one world/many worlds relationship” has now become the subject of great academic interest and debate.

The West, Islam and Modernity

Sebastiano Sali • May 12 2010 • Essays

The relationship between West and Islam is more relevant than ever. The terrorist attacks in the US and Europe at the beginning of the new millennium, seemed to confirm the ideas expressed by Samuel Huntington and Francis Fukuyama. However, critical engagement with such issues requires a deeper understanding of West, Islam and Modernity, avoiding essentialist definitions of single sets of well-defined and separated ideas.

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