
How does a Regional Perspective Affect the Analysis of Democratization and Economic Reform in Putin’s Second Term?

Vera Michlin • Sep 2 2008 • Essays

This work will assess whether the regional perspective has anything new to offer for the understanding of democratisation and economic reform in the Russian Federation.

How are Indigenous Political Groups Challenging Ideas of Citizenship and Practices of Democracy in Latin America? Will They Deepen or Destabilise Democracy?

Joelle Matrak • Aug 29 2008 • Essays

This essay argues that as well as deepening citizenship by undermining clientilism, indigenous movements open the debate about reforming democracy and expanding the liberal notion of citizenship by confronting liberal democracy with the challenge of pluralism.

Does Russia take Internal Challenges to its Security Seriously Enough? The Case of Economic Instability

Justa Hopma • Aug 27 2008 • Essays

This essay focusses on the Russian energy sector and the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT). These issues reflect Russia’s struggle with liberalization, necessary for increasing revenues and sustaining economic growth. The analysis demonstrates that Russia takes its internal security seriously in word and deed but challenges to economic stability remain.

Cooperative and Antagonistic NGO-State Relations

Victoria Lennox • Aug 20 2008 • Essays

This essay asserts that although NGO participation appears to remain a privilege mediated and granted by states, NGO engagement, ‘self association’, and ‘political will formation’ is central in revealing how power must now be understood in the global order – that is to say that political power “operates through rather than on civil society”.

Is there ‘a responsibility to protect?’ Discuss with Reference to Darfur

James Worley • Aug 2 2008 • Essays

In December 2001 the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty released a report titled “The Responsibility to Protect”. This essay examines whether, in light of this document, states and organisations now have a responsibility to protect the people of Darfur.

Is Task-sharing the Answer to UN Peacekeeping Problems?

Joelle Matrak • Jul 31 2008 • Essays

This essay argues that task-sharing is not the answer to UN peacekeeping problems. However, task-sharing as joint operations may enhance successful peacekeeping and could be a step towards making actions of the international community more consensual.

Constructivism is Concerned with Norms, but is it Normative Theory?

Matthew Williams • Jul 29 2008 • Essays

Constructivism as an approach to International Political Theory is not a homogeneous or unified entity. More so than many other approaches it has great rifts between its individual theorists. This paper will focus mostly on the constructivism outlined by Wendt and, towards the end of of the paper, will briefly contrast it with that of Kratochwil.

How does Negri and Hardt’s Theory of the Limitations of Capitalist Subsumption of Production Differ from that of Žižek’s Theory?

Paul McGee • Jul 29 2008 • Essays

This essay is a critical reading of Negri and Hardt’s ‘Empire’, focusing on how the ontological shifts in the production and socio-political disciplinarity function not as an immanent contradiction of globalised capital, but instead form a reified, zero-weight mode of infinite subsumption.

How Does the Process of State Formation in Most Developing Countries Differ from the Process Experienced in Europe and with what Consequences for their Developmental Potential?

Charlotte Ng • Jul 28 2008 • Essays

The process of state formation seen in the past century in developing countries has diverged dramatically from the process experienced in Europe unsurprisingly as a result of different historical conditions. While the early European state building model will likely not repeat itself, it remains useful to compare state-making processes and experiences of survival to gain insights into contemporary state building and development.

To What Extent does the Dutch Disease Affect Development of Democracy and the Economy in Oil-rich CIS States?

Vera Michlin • Jul 25 2008 • Essays

This essay discusses the characteristics of the Dutch Disease and its possible impacts on the development of economies. It outlines the case of Kazakhstan, which is the richest in oil resources of all the former Soviet republics and presents the solutions Kazakhstan adopted for mitigating the effect of resources on its development.

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