
Challenging Historical and Contemporary Notions of Blackness in British Writing

Alena Sahota • Dec 31 2020 • Essays

The idea of Blackness has been constantly challenged and revised by Black authors through the presentation of their own life narratives.

Everyday (In)Security: An Autoethnography of Student Life in the UK

anon • Dec 31 2020 • Essays

An undergraduate education has largely ceased to be one of ontological discovery and has instead become a process of enforcing neoliberal logic on students.

Rehabilitating Realism Through Mohammed Ayoob’s “Subaltern Realism” Theory

Rob Gray • Dec 23 2020 • Essays

Subaltern Realism provides a perspective that explains state action and state conflict across a broader universe of cases, going beyond Neorealism’s limitations.

Virtual Invasion: ‘Just War’ and Orientalism in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

Felix Hulse • Dec 17 2020 • Essays

The latest game in the Call of Duty franchise is shown to rely on Orientalist caricatures, skewed perceptions of violence, and a narrative of ‘Western’ righteousness.

Offensively Realist? Evaluating Trump’s Economic Policy Towards China

Steph Coulter • Dec 9 2020 • Essays

Donald Trump’s economic policy towards China cannot be considered realist if one uses an analytical framework based on offensive realism.

Local Peace Aspirations and International Perceptions of Peacebuilding in Somalia

Nicolas Verbeek • Dec 6 2020 • Essays

The UN should promote a hybrid state order in Somalia, combining a limited central state with existing local governance initiatives, instead of a liberal state model.

The Angolan Civil War: Conflict Economics or the Divine Right of Kings?

Ben Rosie • Dec 2 2020 • Essays

The long duration of the Angolan Civil War must be understood through interconnected factors that ebbed and flowed as the national and international context changed.

Analysing Principal-Agent Relationships in Liberia during the Ebola Crisis

Dolores Cviticanin • Nov 28 2020 • Essays

There is a clear negative correlation between Liberian public trust in their President and Parliament and the number of new Ebola cases rising.

The Meaning of US Drone Warfare in the War on Terror

Nico Edwards • Nov 28 2020 • Essays

Disposability can be understood as structures that manage life and the distribution of death in the interests of actors in global economic and political networks.

Greening the Seas: The Role of Business Conflict in Tightening the IMO Sulphur Cap

Andrea Aakre • Nov 24 2020 • Essays

The ability of the International Maritime Organisation to regulate shipping must be evaluated in the context of each specific issue area, and the interests that prevail here.

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