
Do Nuclear Weapons still have a Role in International Relations in the Post-Cold War Era?

Martin Taggart • May 10 2008 • Essays

This essay questions the role of nuclear weapons in international society through an analysis of their function as a deterrent, nuclear terrorism and proliferation.

The Iran Nuclear Issue

Buryl Chadwick Cooper • Apr 28 2008 • Essays

The purpose of the study is to determine the likely involvement of major world actors if Iran continues to defy the United Nations in its quest for nuclear power. It will conclude that military action against Iran is likely. However, if either the U.S. or Israel leads an attack, they will likely not enjoy the military support of other nations.

Considering Cognitivism’s Contribution: Possibilities for Constructive Cooperation between Rationalist and Cognitivist Theorists of International Regimes

Fedor Meerts • Apr 26 2008 • Essays

All but the staunchest realist would agree that international regimes form an important part of the emerging mechanisms of global governance. In tandem with the study of international relations, the study of international regimes has long been dominated by interest-based or neo-liberal theories – both rationalist schools of thought. However, not rightfully so.

Explaining European Integration: The Merits and Shortcomings of Integration Theory

Fedor Meerts • Apr 20 2008 • Essays

The different theories of regional integration have widely different views on regional integration in Europe and offer widely different explanations for it. This essay will deal with three of the main theories of regional integration: intergovernmental institutionalism, neo-functionalism and multi-level governance.

What are the Consequences of Globalization for Public and for Private Transnational Legal Orders?

anon • Apr 19 2008 • Essays

This essay will examine the explosive growth in public and private transnational legal fora and the empirical creation of interlegality before arguing that this growth creates a need for new conceptualizations of international law that are not bound by assumptions of Westphalian sovereign states or the classic liberal separation of private and public.

Morals of Intelligence

Buryl Chadwick Cooper • Apr 19 2008 • Essays

This essay argues that, due to the potential loss of human life and domestic and international implications and values, morals, as defined by the public, must continue as a guiding force in planning and conducting intelligence operations.

International Knowledge Institutions and the Generation of an Epistemic Function in Global Governance

anon • Apr 17 2008 • Essays

Understanding the processes by which global knowledge institutions generate epistemic functions and impact governance requires inquiring into the construction of global problems, the legitimation of new institutions, and the complex dynamics of disseminating cooperative solutions.

The Politics and Propaganda of Anthropogenic Global Warming

Buryl Chadwick Cooper • Apr 17 2008 • Essays

Several hypotheses have emerged to explain the global warming phenomenon. Among these theories, Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) has emerged as the leading theory. It deduces that the Earth is warming due to human activity and that as a result humans will eventually destroy the planet. However, the theory has been steeped in propaganda with potentially devastating consequences.

What are Private International Regimes and What are Their Global Governance Functions?

anon • Apr 15 2008 • Essays

Identifying and analysing private international regimes requires first accepting the reality that authority exists outside public actors in the international system. This essay will argue the governance functions which international regimes create for themselves revolve around regulation and the provision of public goods.

Donor-NGO Relations: Resource Exchange & Interdependence?

Adam Groves • Apr 14 2008 • Essays

In the context of an expanding global civil society, the role of NGOs is attracting increasing attention. This essay will critically assess the notion that there exists a ‘strategic interdependence’ between international donors and local NGOs by analysing the resource exchange which occurs between them.

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