
Emancipation and Epistemological Hierarchy: Why Research Methods Are Always Political

Iona Young • Nov 22 2020 • Essays

Research methods are always political from a feminist perspective as its methods challenge ontological foundations and connect to devalorized feminine characteristics.

Racial Security: The Unobserved Threat in IR

Carlo Wood • Nov 12 2020 • Essays

The complexities of race have received little engagement in IR and continue to be sifted through white frameworks that create oversimplifications and generalizations.

‘Drone Vision’: Precision Ethics Theory and the Royal Air Force’s use of Drones

James Greenhalgh • Nov 9 2020 • Essays

‘Drone vision’ leads us to ask if drone pilots can make correct and accurate decisions in order to prevent the deaths of non-combatants.

Sovereignty, Cosmopolitanism, and the Case of Sweden’s Foreign Policy

Yogesh Gattani • Nov 9 2020 • Essays

A cosmopolitan sovereign? Sweden’s Feminist Foreign Policy offers both an example and conceptualisation of a state shaped by cosmopolitanism.

How Successful Has the UN Been in Maintaining International Peace and Security?

Anette Sonnback • Nov 8 2020 • Essays

While there has been criticism of UN attempts to maintain peace, the organisation has been particularly successful in creating international norms.

Re-interpreting Political Spaces through Native American Spatialities

Niranjana Rajesh • Nov 7 2020 • Essays

Conventional methods of cartography perpetuate colonial and neoliberal positions at the cost of a more inclusive mapping system that would adopt indigenous perspectives.

Double Agency? On the Role of LTTE and FARC Female Fighters in War and Peace

Fiona Morrison-Fleming • Nov 1 2020 • Essays

Despite the substantial agency women often hold in rebel militant groups, female combatants’ gendered realities rarely improve.

Securitising the War On Terror

Malgorzata Odolczyk • Oct 30 2020 • Essays

The policy response to the 9/11 Attacks disproportionally securitised global terrorism as an existential threat by using the genre of war, rather than crime.

French Intervention in West Africa: Interests and Strategies (2013–2020)

Sudarshan Pujari • Oct 29 2020 • Essays

Recent militancy in West Africa has prompted France to abandon its indirect approach to African security in favor of more forceful military interventions.

Pax Kigali: Reconciliation and Peace in Contemporary Rwanda

Reon van der Merwe • Oct 28 2020 • Essays

The ruling RPF party must succeed in forging an inclusive Rwandan identity, beyond the dichotomous genocide narrative, to move from a repressive to sustainable peace.

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