
The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women’s Failures in Fiji

Sarah Furman • Feb 29 2024 • Essays

Fiji fails to decrease the occurrence of gender-based violence despite the ratification of the CEDAW due to several intersecting factors.

The Origins of Regionalism in the EU and ASEAN

Dominika Remžová • Feb 25 2024 • Essays

Both convergence and divergence in the extra- and intra-regional security dynamics shaped the emergence/deepening of the Cold War-era EU and ASEAN.

Havoc to Hope: Electoral Violence in the Kenya 2022 General Election

Peter Rowan • Feb 24 2024 • Essays

The 2022 election was not marred by violence due to an interaction between elite incentives and opportunities for violence, institutional constraints, and civil society efforts.

Australia, China, and the Darwin Port Lease as a Public-Private Partnership

Robin Pelenyi • Feb 24 2024 • Essays

The Darwin Port lease was justified by privileging market values, but trouble emerged when it became necessary to incorporate non-market national security values.

Do Human Rights Protect or Threaten Security?

Caitlin Hoyland • Jan 31 2024 • Essays

Human rights discourse is premised upon the deleterious assumption that humans are separate from and supreme to nature.

Queer Oppression in the Global South and the Structural Violence of Development

Jodie Bradshaw • Jan 4 2024 • Essays

Development Studies scholars should employ a multi-faceted approach to violence that places social hierarchies at the forefront of its analysis.

Exploring Past and Present of British Sexual Governance Across the Commonwealth

Evie Celeste Wayne • Dec 25 2023 • Essays

The performative and neocolonial nature of British LGBT discourse represents a continuation of the Empire through a seemingly progressive and benevolent agenda.

Why Do Some Social Movements Succeed While Others Fail?

Cayla Bleoaja • Dec 19 2023 • Essays

Recent research points to the role of resource dependence and local knowledge in activists’ success, and their engagement in either persuasive or disruptive tactics.

Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Imperialist Dynamics in International Law

Laura Andrés Serpi • Dec 15 2023 • Essays

By hegemonically promoting a hierarchical type of sovereign equality, the West perpetuates an unfair international system by failing to listen to distinct voices.

Colombia and Chile: How Parties and Ideologies Affect LGBTQ+ Identities

James Manville • Dec 13 2023 • Essays

While Chile and Colombia have unique political landscapes, the recent emergence of leftist leaders indicates a shifting societal acceptance of LGBTQ+ people.

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