
Politics of Continuity and US Foreign Policy Failure in Central Asia

Saud Hassan • Aug 26 2020 • Essays

The US has failed to materialize its aspired goals in the Central Asia region largely due to a common set of policies, characterized by the exhibition of ‘disinterest’.

On Memes and Men: How Gendered Memes Influenced Trump’s 2016 Election Legitimacy

Sofia Romansky • Aug 26 2020 • Essays

Gendered memes aided Trump’s election by representing him as a hyper-masculine leader, granting him authoritative power and reinforcing his positive political identity.

US Counter-Terrorism and Right-Wing Fundamentalism

James Greenhalgh • Aug 26 2020 • Essays

The US counter-terrorism strategy must include right-wing fundamentalism and not purely focus on Islamic radicalisation.

Restorative Justice as a Response to Atrocity: Profound or Merely Pragmatic?

Grace Yeo • Aug 25 2020 • Essays

The pragmatism and profundity of restorative justice do not have to be mutually exclusive. They can be mutually reliant as modes of practice for restorative justice.

The Bodies of Others: United States Drone Strikes and Biopolitical Racism

Hanul Cho • Aug 24 2020 • Essays

Biopolitical racism embedded in the discourse of US drone programs allowed the Obama administration to construct a right to exert biopower on the bodies of others.

Group Rights and the Protection of Individual Autonomy

Lida Katsanouli • Aug 21 2020 • Essays

Given the role of one’s societal culture to the well-being of the individual, certain cultural group-differentiated rights are necessary for securing individual autonomy.

A New Grand Strategy for a New World Order: US Disengagement from Sub-Saharan Africa

Lila Ovington • Aug 19 2020 • Essays

The post-Cold War grand strategy of the US appeared to make little space for sub-Saharan Africa after losing its ‘utility’ as a platform for East-West proxy conflicts.

How Important is Neutrality in Providing Humanitarian Assistance?

Anahita Bordoloi • Aug 18 2020 • Essays

While neutrality is difficult to adhere to, it should be treated as the means to help provide aid to as many victims of conflict, and as quickly, as possible.

Assessing Globalisation’s Contribution to the Sex Trafficking Trade

Isabella Lahdo • Aug 14 2020 • Essays

The sex trafficking industry has been facilitated by Structural Adjustment Programs and the related economic vulnerability of women.

The Right to Be Here: A Case for the Inclusion of Women in Peace Negotiations

Rosa Rahimi • Aug 12 2020 • Essays

The feminist case for female participation in peace negotiations should be made on grounds that may appear to be deceptively simple.

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