
The Puzzle of U.S. Foreign Policy Revision Regarding Iran’s Nuclear Program

Sina Abolghasem Rasouli • Jul 10 2020 • Essays

U.S. foreign policy toward Iran’s nuclear program has evolved to it’s current position due to groupthink dynamics between 2017-2019.

Racism and the Politics of Fear at the US-Mexico Border

Futoon Al Mahruqi • Jul 8 2020 • Essays

Security discourse that constructs migrants as existential threats to the American national identity reinforces racism, abuse of power, and the politics of fear.

Protecting the Defenders: Exploring the Role of Global Corporations and Treaties

Ian Granit • Jul 8 2020 • Essays

Influenced by corporations, human rights abuses against Latin American environmental defenders are some of the worst in the world. International law offers a solution.

Cyber War Forthcoming: “It Is Not a Matter of If, It Is a Matter of When.”

Harriet Charlotte Turner • Jul 8 2020 • Essays

Cyber aggression can constitute an act of war if it is violent, political and instrumental. Thus, although cyber war has not yet occurred it is likely to in the future.

A Critical Analysis of Libya’s State-Building Challenges Post-Revolution

Jasheil Athalia • Jul 7 2020 • Essays

Libya’s security dilemma is tied to the challenges of state-building and democratisation processes reflected through its weak institutions and legitimacy issues.

Evaluating Russia’s Grand Strategy in Ukraine

Christopher Friend • Jul 6 2020 • Essays

Russia’s grand strategy toward Ukraine helps achieve the state’s goals of regional hegemony, economic prosperity, and improved world power dynamics.

“The Crime He Committed Was to Steal a Cow”: Moral Luck and Gacaca

Maxfield Hancock • Jul 6 2020 • Essays

By rewarding confession and promoting reintegration, the Rwandan justice program Gacaca was marked by a permissive attitude toward individual moral responsibility.

The Importance of Language in Transatlantic Relations: The INF Treaty

Sara Benkirane • Jul 5 2020 • Essays

Language was crucial both in the making of the INF Treaty in 1987, and in the Treaty’s unmaking in 2019.

Are We Entering an “Asian Century?”: The Possibility of a New International Order

Keita Kawakita • Jul 4 2020 • Essays

Both Asia’s internal political problems and America’s structural advantages prevent the “Asian Century” from becoming a political reality.

The Protection Paradox: Why Security’s Focus on the State Is Not Enough

Aisha Mahal • Jul 2 2020 • Essays

Feminist security studies explore the need to reconceptualize security away from its realist origins and towards a more individual-focused discipline.

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