
Analysing the ‘Special Relationship’ between the US and UK in a Transatlantic Context

Anna Pitts-Tucker • Aug 2 2020 • Essays

The term ‘Special Relationship’ has defined the alliance between the US and UK. Does it dominate all Transatlantic relations or is it contingent on convenience and context?

Commemorating Srebrenica: The “Inadequate” Truth of the Female Victim Experience

Victoria Hospodaryk • Jul 30 2020 • Essays

A meaningful reconciliation for Bosnian Muslim victims is largely contingent on the construction of a “collective memory” of Srebrenica, built on the female narrative.

The Gendered Politics Behind the International Criminal Court

Erla Ylfa Oskarsdottir • Jul 30 2020 • Essays

The ICC’s review of gender-based crimes is fraught with biases, although the ICC has been more willing to punish offenders of mass rapes against the Rohingya in Myanmar.

Neocolonialism in J.A. Bayona’s ‘The Impossible’

Kate Williams • Jul 27 2020 • Essays

The popular ‘rose tinted’ depiction of the devastating 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami justifies the Global North’s neocolonial foreign aid strategies.

State Feminism and the Islamist-Secularist Binary: Women’s Rights in Tunisia

Kira Jinkinson • Jul 27 2020 • Essays

Contrary to the standard narratives promoted in the West, the coming to power of an Islamist party in Tunisia has not been detrimental to women’s rights.

Critical Theory Meets Arms Control

Gianmarco Riva • Jul 23 2020 • Essays

Applied to questions of arms control, critical approaches to International Relations provide the field with a necessary theoretical reevaluation.

Legal ‘Black Holes’ in Outer Space: The Regulation of Private Space Companies

Samuel Stockwell • Jul 20 2020 • Essays

Legal ambiguities regarding the status of private space companies in orbital space may reinforce Earth-bound wealth inequalities and US dominance in space.

How to Change the Story of the Pandemic with Daoist IR

Aileen Schuurmans • Jul 20 2020 • Essays

Western perspectives on IR have framed COVID-19 as an invisible enemy to be defeated, but Daoist theory may change how we understand the pandemic.

The (Un)intended Effects of the United Nations on the Libyan Civil War Oil Economy

Marius Zeevaert • Jul 18 2020 • Essays

The United Nations crude oil commodity sanctions on all non-governmental actors had manifold consequences on the Libyan civil war oil economy.

The Construction and Implementation of Migration Practices in Europe and America

Natasha Colvine • Jul 18 2020 • Essays

Securitisation theory offers a way to analyse how migrants are framed as security threats in America and Europe through rhetoric and practice.

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