
The Political Use of Soviet Nostalgia to Develop a Russian National Identity

Maria Markova • Jul 14 2020 • Essays

Russian governments have used nostalgia for the Soviet Union as a political tool to generate a uniform Russian national identity.

The Responsibility to Protect: A Disputed Matter

Margherita Buso • Jul 13 2020 • Essays

Interpreting sovereignty as a responsibility toward a state’s own citizens, not a tool for limitless power, mends R2P’s tension between sovereignty and human rights.

De-constructing the ‘White Saviour Syndrome’: A Manifestation of Neo-Imperialism

Felix Willuweit • Jul 13 2020 • Essays

The ‘White Saviour Syndrome’ represents the interpellation of an altruistic subject by the ruling capitalist ideology that reinforces the global means of production.

Liberal Democracies and Their Faulty Response to Terrorism

Emma van den Aakster • Jul 13 2020 • Essays

Both the American and French governments have responded to terrorist attacks in ways that threaten liberal democratic society.

Constructing a Narrative: Ontological Security in the Scottish Nation (State)

Alice Creighton • Jul 10 2020 • Essays

This autoethnographic essay explores how myth-making in the Scottish education curriculum contributes to a rise in Scottish identity of young people.

The Puzzle of U.S. Foreign Policy Revision Regarding Iran’s Nuclear Program

Sina Abolghasem Rasouli • Jul 10 2020 • Essays

U.S. foreign policy toward Iran’s nuclear program has evolved to it’s current position due to groupthink dynamics between 2017-2019.

Racism and the Politics of Fear at the US-Mexico Border

Futoon Al Mahruqi • Jul 8 2020 • Essays

Security discourse that constructs migrants as existential threats to the American national identity reinforces racism, abuse of power, and the politics of fear.

Protecting the Defenders: Exploring the Role of Global Corporations and Treaties

Ian Granit • Jul 8 2020 • Essays

Influenced by corporations, human rights abuses against Latin American environmental defenders are some of the worst in the world. International law offers a solution.

Cyber War Forthcoming: “It Is Not a Matter of If, It Is a Matter of When.”

Harriet Charlotte Turner • Jul 8 2020 • Essays

Cyber aggression can constitute an act of war if it is violent, political and instrumental. Thus, although cyber war has not yet occurred it is likely to in the future.

A Critical Analysis of Libya’s State-Building Challenges Post-Revolution

Jasheil Athalia • Jul 7 2020 • Essays

Libya’s security dilemma is tied to the challenges of state-building and democratisation processes reflected through its weak institutions and legitimacy issues.

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