
Cultural Relativism in R.J. Vincent’s “Human Rights and International Relations”

Thomas Caldwell • May 11 2020 • Essays

Vincent is successful in combating cultural relativist opposition to universal human rights, insofar as his core argument pre-emptively eschews questions of relativism.

Is Decolonisation Always a Violent Phenomenon?

Sehar Shaheryar • May 9 2020 • Essays

In the cases of 20th century decolonisation, violence was an unavoidable means to overthrowing a violent system.

The Problem of Cyber Attribution Between States

Clara Assumpção • May 6 2020 • Essays

Cyber attribution does not always lead to the desired outcome of deterrence. Thus, the laws governing this issue should be used on an ad hoc basis.

War Scares and (Nearly) the End of the World: The Euromissiles Crisis of 1977–1987

Joshua Woodyatt • May 2 2020 • Essays

If not for the influence of the European peace movements and eventual de-escalation at the hand of Mikhail Gorbachev, the prospect of a nuclear war might have been realised.

Why Is China’s Belt and Road Initiative Being Questioned by Japan and India?

Kai Neagle • May 2 2020 • Essays

Japan and India are hesitant to accept the Belt and Road Initiative because they see it as a means of expanding Chinese power unilaterally.

Problematic Positivism: A Post-structural Critique of Power under Neorealism

John Waggoner Roush • Apr 30 2020 • Essays

Post-structuralism’s understanding of power, intertwined with knowledge, successfully challenges neorealism’s dominant, but strictly positivist, perspective.

Gilpinian Realism and Peaceful Change: The Coming Sino-American Power Transition

Keelan Waldron • Apr 23 2020 • Essays

Despite predictions of a future Sino-American war due to China’s rise to power, the US could and should retrench—as it is imperially overstretched—to avoid conflict.

When It Comes to Global Governance, Should NGOs Be Inside or Outside the Tent?

Mark Butcher • Apr 22 2020 • Essays

An NGO’s optimal position within global governance institutions depends on the NGO itself, as working inside or outside an IGO brings separate advantages.

TRIPS-Plus Provisions and the Access to HIV Treatments in Developing Countries

Alessandro Pigoni • Apr 19 2020 • Essays

The inclusion of TRIPS-Plus provisions in recent trade agreements limits the ability of developing countries to obtain medicines needed to face the HIV epidemic.

Trust Me If You Can: Voluntary Sustainability Programs in the Uranium Industry

Marlene Terstiege • Apr 18 2020 • Essays

The credibility of Voluntary Sustainability Programs (VSPs) in the uranium industry depends on their transparency, inclusion and rigor.

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