
Euroscepticism, Thatcherism and Brexit

Amira Higazy • Feb 26 2020 •

The roots of the British Conservative Party’s can be found in the ideas put forth under Margaret Thatcher’s leadership.

Terrorism as a Weapon of the Strong? A Postcolonial Analysis of Terrorism

Ged Shearer • Feb 25 2020 • Essays

A postcolonial perspective offers a greater understanding of terrorism than the traditional approach, as it integrates the colonial context into the analysis.

The Energy Relationship Between Russia and the European Union

Nemanja Popovic • Feb 24 2020 • Essays

The EU-Russia energy relationship resembles an uneasy marriage. Both parties want to exit in the long run, but remain bound to one another for the immediate future.

Has the US Learned from Its Experience in the Vietnam War?

Charles Sladdin • Feb 21 2020 • Essays

Successive administrations have failed to draw lessons from US involvement in Vietnam. This has proved detrimental to recent international interventions.

Human Vulnerability to Climate Change

Michela Borzoni • Feb 18 2020 •

Minimizing human vulnerability to climate change is largely determined by the extent to which societies develop and organize themselves to be resilient to these changes.

Hydropower in India: A Source of Heightened Risk and Inequality

Oliver Clark • Feb 14 2020 • Essays

The Indian government’s recent ambitions in the realm of hydropower has created new issues and risks.

The Role of Global Governance in Curtailing Mexican Cartel Violence

Paula Soumaya Domit • Feb 7 2020 • Essays

Global governance structures, primarily the UN Security Council, should be used to combat Mexican drug cartels.

Two Nationalists and Their Differences – an Analysis of Trump and Bolsonaro

Marius Zeevaert • Feb 5 2020 • Essays

Neoclassical realism highlights the differences between the two leaders’ populist policies, namely Bolsonaro’s more open stance toward the global economy.

Misreading Clausewitz: The Enduring Relevance of On War

Timothy Van der Venne • Feb 4 2020 •

Criticism of Clausewitz is based on a fundamental misreading of Clausewitz’s theory of war and the philosophical framework in which it is set.

Europe’s Biggest Eurosceptics: Britain and Support for the European Union

Ryan J. Bain • Feb 3 2020 • Essays

Euroscepticism remains higher in the United Kingdom in contrast to their continental peers, as reflected in its referendum to leave the European Union.

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