
Is Huntington’s “Clash of Civilizations” a Self-fulfilled Prophecy?

Clara Assumpção • Jan 29 2020 • Essays

Huntington’s “Clash of Civilizations,” though fraught with polarizing opinions, still has relevance to contemporary policies and politics.

Dealing with Myanmar’s Past: A Call for a Truth Commission

Laura Huchet • Dec 29 2019 • Essays

The creation of a truth commission in Myanmar will address the country’s past and help overcome the current democratic deadlock without sacrificing past progress.

To What Extent Has China’s Security Policy Evolved in Sub-saharan Africa?

Tania González Veiga • Dec 26 2019 • Essays

China’s security policy toward Sub-Saharan Africa has grown more interventionist as its economic ties deepen and its desire to protect Chinese citizens abroad increases.

Reflexivity and Autobiography within International Relations Theory

Joseph Jarnecki • Dec 20 2019 • Essays

Autobiographical IR transcends an ontologically fixed subject and object, opting instead to deconstruct their nature and complicate their interactions with reflexivity.

Decolonising World Politics: Anti-Colonial Movements Beyond the Nation-State

Yatana Yamahata • Dec 15 2019 • Essays

Nationalism does not determine an anti-colonial movement’s success because it does not capture the transnational and intersectional nature of colonial legacies.

Kaliningrad’s Energy Self-sufficiency: Potentials and Opportunities

Gianmarco Riva • Dec 12 2019 • Essays

Relations between the EU and Russia have sparked concerns regarding energy relations, notably with respect to Kaliningrad’s energy security.

EU Foreign Policy in East Asia: EU-Japan Relations and the Rise of China

Martijn Kooi • Dec 5 2019 • Essays

While Japan and the EU are allies who emphasize liberal values in their foreign policy, geopolitical concerns have prevented them from agreeing on a China policy.

The Dangers of Securitizing Health

Hannah Roberts • Dec 4 2019 • Essays

Securitization can be a beneficial strategy for policy makers in global health but its Eurocentric nature creates a binary between the West and developing states.

In Search of a European Strategy? From a Normative to a Pragmatic Approach

Luca Nicosia • Dec 3 2019 • Essays

Differences between the ESS and the EUGS are examined, illustrating challenges the EU expects to face and the long-term framework of the EU’s foreign and defence policy.

The Use of “Remote” Warfare: A Strategy to Limit Loss and Responsibility

Bernhardt Fourie • Nov 30 2019 • Essays

Remote warfare has become increasingly popular among Western governments as both a political and military tool in the fight against terror.

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