
Buy Good, Do Good, Be Good? Ethical Consumption as Neoliberal Governmentality

Ruby Agatha Utting • Nov 24 2019 • Essays

Neoliberal capitalism is reproduced by discourse of ethical consumption as a global-corporate and individualised conflation of the economic and social spheres.

The False Dichotomy of the Material-Ideational Debate in IR Theory

Sulagna Basu • Nov 21 2019 • Essays

Contrary to what most IR theory perspectives envision, material and ideational forces are mutually constitutive, not oppositional.

The Uneven and Combined Emergence of “Capitalism with Chinese Characteristics”

Georg McCutcheon • Nov 19 2019 • Essays

The emergence of China’s capitalist system and its “Chinese characteristics” can be understood as an outcome of uneven and combined development.

The Carter Administration and Human Rights in Chile, 1977-81

Joseph Creffield • Nov 14 2019 • Essays

Jimmy Carter ignored human rights abuses perpetuated by the Pinochet regime and only responded if the threat was to do with containing the communist threat in Chile.

The Future Challenges Facing Europe as a Global Actor

Tristan Thorn • Nov 8 2019 • Essays

Geopolitical developments and changes to the international system constitute the major challenges facing the European Union in the future.

Recursive Politics: The 20th-Century Roots of China’s Return to Monarchy

Christopher Boose • Nov 4 2019 • Essays

A look into the history and political philosophy of China explains its current authoritarian tendencies.

Res Publica Christiana Revisited: International Organization in the Middle Ages

Declan McClean • Oct 31 2019 • Essays

A re-examination of Bull’s international society shows how the Middle Ages, while lacking modern states, maintained international organisation with the Catholic Church.

Terrorism and the End of Western Hegemony: A Gramscian Perspective

Chloé LALA- -GUYARD • Oct 24 2019 • Essays

Terrorists’ organizations are counter-hegemonic strategy that pose a threat to US hegemony, and these non-state structures operate along the Gramscian model.

A Critical Analysis of The Exclusion of the State in Terrorism Studies

Clara Assumpção • Oct 23 2019 • Essays

The exclusion of the State from Terrorism Studies not only hinders a comprehensive understanding of the terrorist phenomenon, but also conceals state violence.

Analysis of the Reluctance of Male Congolese Victims of WSV to Seek Help

Nina Marie Roesler • Oct 21 2019 • Essays

The underrepresentation of male-directed wartime sexual violence and fixed notions of gender and heteronormativity contribute to the reluctance of victims to seek help.

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