
Gendered Implications of Neoliberal Development Policies in Guangdong Province

Hannah Roberts • Mar 3 2020 • Essays

Development policies informed by neoliberal economics fail to challenge the underlying patriarchal structures that impede women’s development.

What’s Stopping Us? The Failures Behind Famine Prevention in the 21st Century

Ryan J. Bain • Mar 3 2020 • Essays

Famine classification should be based upon a combination of both quantitative and qualitative factors to improve international and local responses to the issue.

The Spectrum of Georgia’s Policy Options Towards Abkhazia and South Ossetia

Giorgi Buzaladze • Mar 2 2020 • Essays

Georgia’s government should put the conflicts in Abkhazia and South Ossetia on hold, buying it time to develop itself, which could set the stage for reconciliation.

Visceralities of the Border: Contemporary Border Regimes in a Globalised World

Daniel Harrison • Mar 1 2020 • Essays

Inverting the premise of the borderless capitalist landscape, it is argued that the border is constitutive of capitalism and at the heart of social life today.

Harnessing Alterity to Address the Obstacles of the Democratic Peace Theory

Giulia Tempo • Feb 28 2020 • Essays

Democratic Peace Theory is challenged in this essay, specifically examining whether democracy is the only route to peace.

Euroscepticism, Thatcherism and Brexit

Amira Higazy • Feb 26 2020 •

The roots of the British Conservative Party’s can be found in the ideas put forth under Margaret Thatcher’s leadership.

Terrorism as a Weapon of the Strong? A Postcolonial Analysis of Terrorism

Ged Shearer • Feb 25 2020 • Essays

A postcolonial perspective offers a greater understanding of terrorism than the traditional approach, as it integrates the colonial context into the analysis.

The Energy Relationship Between Russia and the European Union

Nemanja Popovic • Feb 24 2020 • Essays

The EU-Russia energy relationship resembles an uneasy marriage. Both parties want to exit in the long run, but remain bound to one another for the immediate future.

Has the US Learned from Its Experience in the Vietnam War?

Charles Sladdin • Feb 21 2020 • Essays

Successive administrations have failed to draw lessons from US involvement in Vietnam. This has proved detrimental to recent international interventions.

Human Vulnerability to Climate Change

Michela Borzoni • Feb 18 2020 •

Minimizing human vulnerability to climate change is largely determined by the extent to which societies develop and organize themselves to be resilient to these changes.

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