
Security Implications of the Export of Chinese Surveillance Systems

Vincent Boucher • Oct 16 2019 • Essays

China legitimizes its position in the world by promoting its surveillance state model as a stable alternative to democracies and other autocracies.

Assessing Global Response to Rising Sea Levels: Who Needs to Be Involved?

Dominique Grabau • Oct 10 2019 • Essays

Addressing rising sea levels that affect islands in the Indian and Pacific Oceans will allow for stronger climate change solutions globally.

Justified Alarmism? Assessing the Claim of a Contemporary ‘Authoritarian Wave’ 

Niccolo Fantini • Oct 9 2019 • Essays

Contrary to alarmist claims of a crisis of democracy, the ‘authoritarian wave’ is more likely to affect hybrid regimes over consolidated democracies.

Shaping the Transnational Capitalist Class: TNCs and the Global Economy

Chiara Reverdito • Oct 6 2019 • Essays

The trans-nationalisation of production has benefited and structurally shaped society through the creation of a Transnational Corporate Class in host countries.

Mitigating the Human Cost of Modern Conflict: Jus in Bello and Cyberattacks

Tory Igoe • Oct 5 2019 • Essays

Global governance mechanisms are inadequate to address cyberattacks outside armed conflict as these threats tend to exist in a ‘grey zone’ between peacetime and conflict.

Locating ‘the Everyday’ in ‘the International’: An Exploration

Rizky Alif Alvian • Oct 3 2019 • Essays

IR is dominated by a state-centric approach to geography; this can be rectified by rethinking spatial frameworks as relational to their historical social processes.

Laboring for Nuclear Disarmament? The Diplomacy of the Hawke-Keating Governments

Kye J. Allen • Oct 1 2019 • Essays

The Hawke and Keating administrations used “enlightened realpolitik” to promote nuclear disarmament while still keeping Australia under the American nuclear umbrella.

Gender and Security: Redefining the ‘State’ and a ‘Threat’

anon • Sep 28 2019 • Essays

Using a gender perspective, the dominant definitions of the ‘state’ and a ‘threat’ are re-defined to better understand security today.

Terrorism as Controversy: The Shifting Definition of Terrorism in State Politics

Ziyanda Stuurman • Sep 24 2019 • Essays

Political motives inform many definitions of terrorism, which are often irregularly applied, harming counter-terrorist initiatives.

Drones, Aid and Education: The Three Ways to Counter Terrorism

Seamus Ryan • Sep 23 2019 • Essays

Drones, aid and education can effectively combat terrorism, but only if they are deployed together and with the proper restrictions and considerations.

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